Author: Dawn Slaughter

Saturday Sunshine – Hooray!

The  Met Office states it’s 10C today but feels like 3C.  Still brrrrr then!  Put an extra layer on when you go out!

Have you have your Census Form yet?  Have  you filled it in?  I thought it had to be physically done on 21st March but some of my work colleagues have already done theirs.  There’s a £1,000 fine is if you don’t complete it so it has to be done.

It’s 10 years since the last one.  10 years.  Wow.  Has your life and living style changed since then?  Can you remember completing the last one?  I was working for an American architecture company up in London and trying to sort out Mum’s affairs for probate and clear the house.  That was very traumatic as Mum and Dad had lived there for 60 years and were great horders.  Every box contained a memory, a photograph and lots of Kleenex was needed.  However, it did shed light on one of Dad’s sets of bowls which I returned to Cambridge Park in the May.  Thereby started a whole new chapter in my sporting life!

What are your memories from 10 years ago?

Centenary Polo Shirts and Fleeces

Norman is taking orders for Club Centenary Polo Shirts and Fleeces.

They’re a very nice quality and you’ll look great when out with friends – when we’re allowed out/in with friends!


If you’re on Facebook, you can go to the Cambridge Park page and see the video of Norman modelling the shirt and the fleece in the flesh whilst he was trying out his bowling after the first lawn cut of the year!

I wonder if he’s considering a Centenary Waterproof too?!  Norman?

How are your Shoes/Bowls/Waterproofs for Summer 2021?

Being positive and looking ahead to when we get out on the green, Bowlswear Direct based at Wey Valley IBC are taking orders on their website now, but (DV) will be opening their doors for customers on 12th April

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm to start off with. or 01483 536337 if you want to contact Chris or Pete.

Bowlswear Direct is a small family business like many other of the bowls shops.  If we can support local bowls shops, it will help them survive.   We need them and they need us!  Chris and Pete give a very good customer friendly service.  Both play bowls to a high standard so have a passion for the game meaning the knowledge and expertise they impart over the products is invaluable to each individual’s requirements.

Bowlswear Direct have often done Roadshows* at Cambridge Park, (although not in thelast few years for various reasons) as well as other clubs all over the country.  Obviously the Roadshows won’t start up again until a bit later in the season, but if you think it would be a good idea for them to come to Cambridge Park sometime over the summer or into early autumn, please let me know so we can fix a date.



*Roadshows – lots of bowls  in many sizes from Henselite, Taylor, Drakes Pride, Almark, Aero; shoes and clothing for all sorts of weathers; accessories like cloths, measures, chalks; bowls carriers, trolleys, gloves etc. etc.

Beside the Lake, Between the Trees, Fluttering and Dancing in the Breeze

OK, he was beside the lake and between the trees but George H wasn’t exactly fluttering and dancing!  Good to catch up with him unexpectedly in the Woodlands Garden in Bushy Park.  There were lots of daffodils dacing and fluttering but still loads to come out.

The gardeners (including Mike Brown?) have taken out a lot of the wild rhododenrons as they were prone to fungi which was destroying other plants.  The areas where they were are to be replanted.  It was a bit early for the cultivated rhododendrons and azaleas but there were camelias.  They’re doing well so far this year.

However, despite lack of a lot of colour, it was still a very pretty walk and, if you start at the Hampton Court end, the treat is the Pheasantry Cafe which was doing a great trade in hot drinks, pizzas, cakes, toasted sandwiches etc.  There are also loos open (essential after walking past the running streams!).  I joined the queue to be told it was the men’s queue and ladies could go straight in.  How often are those roles reversed?  I can’t think of any.

This morning seems bright and sunny but the weather girl on Virgin Radio wasn’t giving a very uplifting forecast for the rest of the week, so maybe today would be a good day to get out and enjoy that tea/coffee with a friend, wherever you are.

Roll on the day when we can enjoy tea/coffee etc. with a friend after a game of bowls.  The restriction ends are tantalasingly close but still too far away!

International Women’s Day

I think it’s also numerous other special days, including the one where the children go back to school.

Raise a mug, cup, glass or whatever to all the women you know but don’t forget all those who support us women, be it girl friends, partners, spouses, brothers, Dads etc.

If  you want to learn more about some famous women in the sporting world, head toward The Game Changers podcasts. Sue Anstiss chats to Claire Baldwin, Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson, Katherine Grainger, Liz Nicholl CBE, Stacey Copeland, Jacqui Oatley MBE, Eleanor Oldroyd, Ebony Rainford-Brent,  Tracy Edwards (wow that was a good one!), Gail Newsham, Rachel Yankey and about 40 other women at the top of their field who didn’t necessarily have a good start in life.  Most of the podcasts are about 30-40 minutes long, so good when you want a break from watching tv or having a cup of tea having tackled the weeding!

Did I hear that Fulham won yesterday?  Brentford didn’t do so well and Chelsea face Everton tonight.  Will Norman or Ange be the happy bunny tomorrow?!

Better not mention the cricket at the weekend, but it was good to see the 19 year old Keely Hodginkson take her first gold medal in the 800m at the European Indoor Athletic Championships yesterday afternoon.  Great Britain secured 12 medals in various colours, so well done to all of our athletes.  There was also golf from Florida which I understand had a pretty tight field – maybe Kevin K can update us on that one?

Wrap up when you go out.  That winter chill still hasn’t left us yet.

Ready for Roadmap Stage 1?

I bumped into Peter & Gill C who had parked in virtually the identical spot to Ann & Terry beside the river.  Is it a Cambridge Park parking space?  Do we all take it in turns to park/walk/drive off before the next lot?

Well, from tomorrow, Peter & Gill and Ann & Terry can park at the same time and in pairs (ladies/men/mixed) can walk to the cafe and enjoy sausage baps as long as all four of them don’t sit on the same bench!

So, maybe this week would be a good time to think about arranging to meet one other person for a walk and a coffee with cake or other food – take your own picnic.  It will be a start in the process of getting back to life outside our homes.  The world has changed and become smaller without the travel although it has expanded digitally with Zoom/Teams/Facetime but outside our own front doors there is normality and regularity in abundance.  The tide goes in and out twice a

day, the trees are there itching to break out into blossom (remember how fantastic they were last March/April?); the daffodils are blowing  their own trumpets, dogs are still being walked, swans are swimming, geese are squawking and people are just looking a little paler – the same as every early spring without the warmth and heat of the sun.

Talking of which, where has the sun gone?  It poked its head right out last Saturday and hasn’t been seen since!  Top temperature of 5C today.  It’s not as windy as yesterday, which is a blessing but still somewhat dreary.

Today, open a window, put some music on and have a boogie.  Who cares if you look like a frog in a blender?  Have a sing.  You may not sound like Frank Sinatra, Maria Callas, Julie Andrews, Etta James or Ronan Keating but that doesn’t matter.  In days gone by, the family would crowd around the piano and everyone had a good old sing and a laugh.  You may not play the piano but you can sing and you can laugh – you know “Jus’ like that”!

Good luck to Lucy H and Susie R and all the other teachers as they head back into school tomorrow.  It will be a tough time as teachers and students have to learn to adjust to distancing rules and a more structured day after such a long time away from face-to-face teaching.  Our thoughts are with them.

Update from Bowls England


5th March, 2021 by Matt Wordingham

Following last Saturday’s meeting and two further consultation sessions with our county colleagues, we wanted to provide an update to our bowls community on plans for the 2021 season.

Our overriding objective remains leading the sport’s return to play and helping provide an environment where all bowlers who wish to get on the greens, can do so in a safe manner.  Insight from a recent survey informs us that 90% of bowlers want to start playing again as soon as they are able and we believe it is important for the health of our sport for it to get back up and running.  We have learnt a lot from 2020, bowls is a naturally socially-distanced, non-contact sport and the Covid-19 roadmap gives us a structure with which to operate and facilitate getting back to bowls.

Bowls clubs and volunteers did a brilliant job last year to reopen safely following the first lockdown.  Working with our development arm, the Bowls Development Alliance, we commit to supporting affiliated clubs to navigate through the regulations and overcoming any hurdles.  Our hope is that the overwhelming majority of clubs will be open, competitions will be taking place and we will have adapted successfully to the requirements of the government guidance.

Return to Play

On Monday 8th March we will be attending a Sport England briefing on ‘Return to Play’ with sport-specific guidance expected from the government via DCMS by Monday 29th March, which is the same day as Step 1 of the government roadmap.  At Step 1 we expect affiliated clubs to be able to open and play to return based on the ‘Rule of 6’ and from 12th April Step 2 is likely to allow outdoor catering on site, changing rooms to be open and the easing of travel restrictions.  Step 3 from Monday 17th May means larger groups should be able to gather at clubs and inside catering to take place with restrictions and, finally, Step 4 from Monday 21st June should allow the easing of all restrictions.

PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL GUIDANCE.  As soon as we are in a position to provide full, DCMS approved guidance for our affiliated clubs we will do.  We are conscious there are lots of questions and we are as eager as you for them to be answered.  Please be patient and bear with us.

Back to Bowls for Affiliated Clubs

We will be working closely with our development arm, the Bowls Development Alliance (BDA), over the coming weeks to help affiliated clubs to get back to bowls safely, to understand best practice around the country and to give members of affiliated clubs and those wishing to try bowls confidence.  This work includes –

  • ‘Return to Play’ guidance for affiliated clubs in order for them to create a safe environment for the sport’s return
  • Resources and best practice to support the safe running of clubs, including case studies of Covid-friendly activity at clubs in 2020
  • Online rink booking and cashless payments to make management of your club as easy as possible
  • Promotional material and funding advice to encourage new players and generate more income

Affiliation Process

As clubs will be aware, the affiliation deadline changed this year because of the challenges of Covid-19 and to give clubs more time to get their club open and members signed up.  The deadline for payment by county associations to Bowls England is 31st May.

To ensure that we can work effectively with affiliated clubs over the coming weeks, we will be sending an online form to capture some basic information from each club.  This will enable us to send information to the right person, engage with you on ‘Return to Play’ guidance and Back to Bowls support for your club, and also help us embellish our website Club Finder.  With 40% of clubs not having their own website or social channels, the Club Finder allows new players to locate clubs and get in touch.  With richer information on this page such as facility provision, disabled access and opening times, it will provide a better experience for potential new bowlers.

Please keep your eye out for the registration form for affiliated clubs which will be sent out towards the end of March.

National Competitions and Finals

Last summer, a very small proportion of competition bowlers returned to the sport with the cancellation of the competition programme.  Aligned to our core objective, our aim is to get as many competition bowlers playing safely as possible.  This will require a bit of imagination, adaptability and a recognition that the season will look different to usual.

The government roadmap gives us a structure and we believe national championships and competitions can take place in their entirety with –

  • Matches involving greater numbers of people happening later in the summer when restrictions are lifted
  • The national finals starting later and taking place over a shorter time frame in order to free up more time for qualification
  • A shorter format in all rounds, including qualification rounds, in order to provide the greatest flexibility for participants, clubs and counties when arranging fixtures

These changes are sympathetic with the findings from our recent player survey and competition focus groups, but at this stage are for 2021 only to navigate through the challenges of Covid-19.  We will continue to consult competitions players on their experiences in order to ensure our competitions programme delivers the best possible experience for players and attracts new competition entrants.

The above will therefore mean –

  • Changes to the qualification timings for different competitions
  • Reduced number of qualifiers to the national finals in Championship events
  • Later start date and reduced length of the national finals. The provisional dates are Thursday 19th August to Sunday 5th
  • Restrictions on numbers at the national finals in order to provide a safe environment for players, officials and spectators.

We appreciate that the summer may feel different and not everyone will feel comfortable about that, but we believe that this is the best approach for the competition programme and that the vast majority will embrace these changes and enjoy getting back to competitive bowls.  Unless a competition does not start, we have no plans to return competition fees as we feel that entrants are still receiving good value for their average £3.25 entrance fee and that the vast majority will recognise the need for adaptability to ensure the competitions programme can take place in these unprecedented times.

Please note that players must be affiliated to Bowls England by 1st May through their submission to their county to participate in any of the national championships and competitions.  We will provide a more detailed update on the planned programme by the 24th March with national competition draws revealed early in April.

National Open Weekend – 28th to 31st May

As you will be aware, this is a national initiative offering Bowls England affiliated clubs the opportunity to promote our welcoming and socially-distanced sport and attract new members.

We know that 20% of new bowlers join our sport on the back of open weekends, that our clubs want support to help recruit new players and that there are plenty of people out there who would love to have a go at bowls.  We will be waiving 2021 affiliation fees for any brand new bowler joining a club on the back of the National Open Weekend.

Affiliated clubs who sign up will be able to access FREE resources, including bowls-specific workshops to help run a great event and grow your club. In addition, publicity material and creative resources for social media channels, websites and within your local community will be made available. It will be supported by a national marketing campaign to help raise awareness of the events across the country, and some clubs will get a visit from an England Commonwealth Games Squad bowler.

More information and registration details will be coming out very soon.

We hope this helps update you on the current position.  The summer will feel a little different, as so much of life has done in recent times, but our overriding feeling is of positivity that our season will be able to start on time, that bowlers at all levels will be playing and that we will see new bowlers on our greens this summer.  We thank you in advance for appreciating what we are trying to achieve and we hope we can all work together to make this a memorable season for all the right reasons.

Finally, just to reiterate, please be patient with us and your county in terms of receiving more detailed information.  We want to provide this as soon as possible but government approvals have to be sought and work has to be done.  Thank-you.

EIBA Competition Entries 2021

The link should take you to the EIBA Competition Form for next indoor season.

Named Entrant Competition Entry Form A Inc International

All entries submitted for 2020/21 are being carried over, so you only need to complete a form for changes or new entries.

The Middlesex Indoor competition entry fees were re-imbursed, so there will be new forms for those at some point.

Hopefully outdoor County competition dates will go up soon

Did you know if  you have had both doses of vaccines, you’ll be welcome in Cyprus from 1st May?  However, we’re not allowed to travel for leisure before 17th May.  If you want to escape as soon as you can, check out Cyprus!  Greece will also welcoming UK tourists as soon as we can travel.  Sunvil, who have sponsored us in the past, would welcome you checking out their website

Kew Gardens was slightly disappointing yesterday but that was probably as much to do with the cold weather as anything else and no sun.  Today is better!

There were definitely more daffodils out than a fortnight ago and the bluebells will be fantastic in a month’s time.  The Camelias gave the best show.  There were more of those than other flowers but still a whole host to come out as the weeks go on.



News from the Towpath!

Bumped into Terry and Ann yesterday.  Terry said he hadn’t yet been over run with volunteers for ditch cleaning/clearing and rubber cleaning yet … but he would like some help as he’s cracked some ribs following slipping down a slope in Kingston.  If any of you have cracked or broken ribs, you will know how unbelievably painful they are!

Following on from Ann & Terry’s Sausage Bap recommendation, others have reported that the ice creams at the cafe on the river are also good!

Some of our ‘youngsters’ have now had their first jabs.  Well done to the NHS Vaccination Centres who are working flat out to get as many people inoculated as quickly as possible.

Richard H was heading off to Bushy Park for his walk and has promised to send in some photos.  He’s a real whizz with the camera so they should be tiptop!

I’m off to Kew Gardens with my phone, so the shots will be ok but not as precise as Richard’s.  Camera phones are brilliant though. Temperature seems to be dropping back to 2C – maybe it’s to stop us all going out in large crowds before lockdown is officially eased?!

The EIBA have sent out Competition Forms for 2021-22.  I’ll get these posted up in the next couple of days.


Writer’s Block

It happens to most authors and I guess bloggers just the same, so apologies there wasn’t a post yesterday.

The bowls’ news is centred on the Commonwealth Games in 2022 at Leamington and this year’s Nationals with a few things to be resolved by Bowls England in discussion with the County Secretaries.

Closer to home, we can meet with one person for a cup of tea/coffee  (other beverages are available) and eats from Monday and not just exercise with one person.  It would appear that this permission has been granted early in Richmond for the last fortnight or am I just imagining it?  And not just two people!  In all honesty, most of us  have probably stretched one of the rules at some point.

Looking ahead to the day the club opens and the new season, there are plenty of jobs to do around the club. So, have a think and work out what you might be able to do to help – we have a tool for getting the moss out between the flagstones; a lot of the ivy could be removed from the flower beds to allow space for planting; Terry will probably want some spare hands to help clear the ditches (again!) and wash and lay the rubbers; Ken’s bench needs a protecting varnish and the other benches could do with a bit of tlc.

From 29th March, outdoor groups can be of 6 people so a lot of the above will be much more fun working together.  Have a think if you could spare half an hour or an hour and could help.

Bowls England are pushing for a recruitment drive over the second May Bank Holiday weekend.  Do you have friends and neighbours who you think might like to have a go.  In the last 12 months, we have all met people around us that we didn’t know before and it’s a good time to share something of the sport you love with others.  Would you like a morning session with a beer afterwards, or an afternoon session with tea and cake?  Again, have a think.  The Club belongs to its members and not just the few who’ve stuck their heads above the parapet for specific roles.  We can all contribute from meeting/greeting; helping new people select an appropriate size of bowls to borrow; sharing the basics of what is a very simple game (in theory but not in practice!); encouragement; making a cake; cleaning tables and chairs; gardening.

Recruitment is not purely about being a qualified coach!

In the meantime, enjoy stepping outside in your garden or your front path or a local park and getting a teensy bit of Vitamin D – Friday should be the sunniest day.

Anyone been to the Woodlands in Bushy Park?  Are the Camelias out?  Please email photos and I’ll put them up.  We need spring more than ever this year (preferably without the tree pollen!).