Author: Dawn Slaughter

Saturday 3rd June- Middlesex Ladies First Johns Trophy Match

Big match for the Middlesex Ladies today as they take on Berkshire in the first round of the National Inter-County Johns Trophy  -A six rinker

Play starts at 1.30 pm at Cambridge Park. The girls will welcome any of you who would like to come along and support them.
Cambridge Park are well represented with Ann H, Nadine, Cathy, Tina, Marie, Ange & Dawn spread between four different rinks in the team.

Good luck everyone!

The Raffle for Park Lane Stables RDA

Ann Macey wants to thank everyone who bought tickets for the raffle that was drawn on Monday in aid of the Riding for the Disabled Park Lane Stables.

A magnificent £536.00 was raised and all the prizes were claimed on Monday at the Open Afternoon.

Top prize winners:

1st  Lawn Mower – drawn by Ann Macey but then re-raffled for extra fund-raising and won by Dick Salmon.

2nd:  Hamper – Peter Archer

3rd:  Scott – Scott Cumine


Thank you all for your generosity and thanks to Ann for organising it.  Great job!

It Was Bowls and it was Big!

Well done to Sarah for masterminding the Cambridge Park Open Afternoon in conjunction with the Bowls England Big Bowls Weekend imitative.
However it wouldn’t have worked so well or been such fun without all of the members who came along to help meet and greet, share some skills on the indoor and outdoor green, chat to all our visitors from around the Cambridge Park area as well as Nicole and James who came down from Bowls England to meet everyone.
we had several of the visitors signing up to Sarah’s free 3-week coaching course. We are sure they will all enjoy it and get as hooked on bowls as we all are.
Special thanks to Karen and Jacquie E as well as Jane who was kept on the go all afternoon serving drinks from the bar. Hope all of you are putting your feet up with a well-earned glass of wine tonight!

Thanks to all who attended. Lovely to see so many of you enjoying the sunshine, bowls and chatting.

Open Day in conjunction with Bowls England’s Big Bowls Weekend

Congratulations to the Girls in the Top Club Yesterday!

Well done to everyone yesterday. It was a tough game and we wouldn’t have got through by 6 shots without every player’s contribution in either winning ends or preventing Ashford from getting more shots when the final few ends were crucial.
Next Opponents Brentham. Date to be decided!

Our next opponents in the Double Rink will be North London on 17th June at 10:00


Ashford BC – Our New Besties??

Big weekend starting tonight when our men play Ashford in the National Top Club at 6:00. (No Friday Night Leagues tonight)

Tomorrow morning, the Ladies play Ashford in the second round of the Middlesex Double Rink competition starting at 10:00. One rink home, one away.
On Sunday, the ladies play… yes, you’ve guessed it, Ashford in the National Top Club at CP starting at 10:00.
We know the opposition quite well already, so we’re looking forward to close, competitive matches and sharing a drink and friendship afterwards.

For a change, the opposition in tomorrow’s Richmond & Barnes League match is Teddington. And, we know lots of them very well too.
Staying on the friendship bus, we play Hampton away on Sunday afternoon.
Good luck to everyone playing. Stay relaxed so your bowling arm swings freely, concentrate on the task in hand and don’t forget the suncream. The weather is going to be good.