Author: Dawn Slaughter

Sunday 15th May – R&B League v Teddington

We had a good afternoon yesterday but lost to Ashford who put out a very strong side, full of County players.  None of their ladies made it into their team.

Well done to Scott, Stella K, Lucy & Norman who had a neck-and-neck game all the way through and came out with a 2 shot win. Great stuff!

The rest of us tried our best and we weren’t strong enough. however, there was mention on our rink by Ashford (as well as us) as to how well Shaf played. He pretty much had one bowl near to the jack in almost every end. For a new bowler, that was very impressive!

We play Teddington this afternoon. Another strong outdoor club but we’re up for the challenge!

Close but Fortunately No Cigar!

What a fantastic effort by Sam Ryder last night. He was the top act voted the the professional jury and came second overall. A great result!  The first time for many years that we haven’t ended up with 0 points!

Winning Eurovision is a great achievement allowing that country to host the following year’s competition. It’ll be a hard task for Ukraine.

Well done to our Sam Ryder. I hope he has much more music inside him which the world can enjoy.

It’s Eurovision Night!

Are you a fan? I think it was more interesting in the days with Terry Wogan’s wonderful commentary (how could we forget that?!);, less entries; and when Colin Berry appeared to be announcing the British results from the middle of the Thames!  Of course that is probably 30-40 years ago

The whole contest has changed somewhat since then but its popularity is still strong and no doubt there will be several parties across the country tonight.

We wish Sam Ryder with Spaceman well. He is high in the bookie states. Anyone put a bet on?

Ukraine seems to be all out favourite, not just because of their entry.

OJ Borg was chatting to Katrina (of the waves fame, who won Eurovision 25 years ago) and she and her partner have a basket of socks ready. If there’s a song they don’t like, they throw socks at the tv!  What a great idea and not just for song contests!

Enjoy your evening whatever you’re watching. My son is in Big Fish with Gloc Musical Theatre at Questors so I’ll be heading off there tonight.

See some of you later on or around the green when we play Ashford in the R&B league this afternoon at the Club.

Thursday 12th May

Unfortunately our first South Middlesex League match this afternoon had to be cancelled as we didn’t have enough players.
Our ladies will be out in force in the first round of the Middlesex Ladies Pairs this afternoon and evening. Good luck and play well. The weather should have been better than it was for the Fours yesterday. No results through for those games yet.

On Saturday we have our first Richmond & Barnes match v Ashford and on Sunday our second v Teddington. Both matches start at 2.30 pm at Cambridge Park. Weather set fair for those wanting to come along and watch.

May Birthdays

Lots of May birthdays so best wishes to Jacquie, Marie, Ray, Ann H, Ange & Dawn – for a start.
We hope that those of you have had your birthdays had a good day and those awaiting the day with eager excitement that it will be all that you hope for.

Win, Win, Win!

Second week of the outdoor season and the National Competitions have started already and all against Ashford teams!
Wins in the Mixed Pairs for Jean & Norman (23-9); by 4 shots, Ange & Dave P; and Sarah, Gym, Kevin L & Dawn in the Mixed Fours (16-15).  Good luck in the second rounds.
With the number of competitions ramping up, please don’t forget to book your rinks on the Outdoor Rink Booking page. Of course we won’t know from day to day which way the green is running, so you’ll just have to guess which might be the best rink.
Please bear in mind that on Fridays from 5:00 pm, four rinks will be in use for the Friday night leagues and from Monday 16th, four rinks will be used for the Monday Afternoon Leagues.

We had such beautiful weather for the trials this morning. The day started with Terry M putting out the green, Norman making bacon sandwiches & Mike C his glamorous assistant serving teas and coffees; Jane behind the bar, and Chris Young with the Bowlswear Direct Roadshow.
The bowlers were looked after admirably and our thanks also to the Middlesex Executive and President Brian Hearn for all their work organising us into teams both morning and afternoon and then having to go home and sort out the strongest teams to represent Middlesex and in the Johns Trophy and Walker Cup – not an easy task at all!  Team selection at any level is a pretty thankless task!

The temperature is due to reach 22C today, so don’t forget your suncream Those rays can burn even through clouds!


Sunday 8th May – Bowlswear Direct Roadshow at Cambridge Park

Chris Young will be at Cambridge Park from 11.00 to 2.00 pm today with his Bowlswear Direct Roadshow.

You might need a new pair of shoes, look at some sample bowls, buy some more chalf, gloves, measures etc. so come along have a look while the Roadshow is Directly on our doorstep!


The MIddlsesex Ladies Johns and Walkers trials start at 10.00 am today and Norman and Mke will be making bacon rolls if you want breakfast as well as entertainment!  For those not rousing so early, Ann M is making a Ploughamn’s LUnch for the players but might have some extras to purchase to enjoy with a beer/wine/tea from the bar.

We still need 8 names for the South Middlesex League match at Staines on Thursday 12th afternoon, so please sign up.  For several, but not all, ladies, it’s the set date for Middlesex Pairs so that takes some of the potential bowlers out of action for the afternoon.

Spring Sun in Time for Friday Night League. Whoopee!

The Friday night league starts tonight and how wonderful is that it’s going to be warm!  I believe the caterers will be there to cook fish and chips too

Well done to Brian C for all the organisation. David H has organised the Monday afternoon league which starts on 13th May. Many thanks to both of them.

Brian C has also taken on the outdoor competitions  entry forms available at the club and need to be returned to the box on the dining room table by 20th May.  Entry fees to be paid over the bar.

There are plenty of little jobs available for volunteers around the club, so have a think at what you like doing and see if you could help out.

Thanks. See some of you later.