Author: Dawn Slaughter

What a Great Start to the Centenary Season!

There was sun!  There was warmth!  There were bowlers!  There was banter!  There was outdoor hospitality!  There was a Birthday!

And, most importantly, we were with friends!

Well done to everyone who helped get the club ready from digging, washing, polishing, gardening, de-mossing, leaf clearing and to those working yesterday – Ange & Scott, Gordon, Norman, Jane, Margaret & Beryl, Jacquie to name but a few – and to everyone who came along and enjoyed the day.  It was so good to see the club alive with those who came along.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  The members are the Club and together we will have a very good season!

One Day More

One day more
Another day, another destiny
This never-ending road to bowling green
These members who seem to know my fate
Will surely come a second date
One day more

Will you take your place with me?
The time is soon
One day more 
One day to a new bowls season
Raise the flag of CP high
Every man will be a king
Every bowl will hit the jack
There’s a new game for the winning
There’s a new match to be won
Do you hear the members sing?
My place is here
I play with you
One day more
We will join these local bowlers
We will follow where they go
We will learn their little secrets
We will know the things they know
One day more
Watch bowls run amuck
Watch ’em as they fall
Never know you luck
When there’s bowls for all
We’ll be ready for the members
Tomorrow we’ll be on the green
Tomorrow is the judgement day
Tomorrow we’ll discover
What our our groundsman has in store
One more dawn
One more day
One day more
(Lyrics with apologies to the Les Miserables writers)
Today – practise swinging your arms in bowling stance so it’s not such a shock tomorrow when you get on the green!

Flagging it up!

Does anyone remember when we last used the Cambridge Park flag?  Gordon found the bunting but he and others have drawn a blank on the flag when they looked yesterday.  It must be hiding somewhere.

The County websites have been updated this week, so if you’re looking for more information, please head over to for the men and for the ladies.

On Friday, there will be a few more down to help with pre-season work around the grounds.  Bring a broom if sweeping leaves is something you can do.  It would be good to clear the car park of those.


Football Super League Squashed

I am not a football fan as most of you know.  However, I am glad that our six clubs have withdrawn from the Super League.  Supporting football as a fan has crept up and up in cost with the seats, the ever changing kit, etc.  Football needs its fans from the 3 year olds to the 103 year olds, most of which are not millionaires!

This quote from Bobby Robson has come out on the radio and social media.  If you haven’t heard it yet ….

Writing in Newcastle – My Kind of Toon, his 2008 love letter to his home city, Sir Bobby wrote: “What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it.

“It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes.

“It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city.

How true.

Happy Birthday to Her Majesty, The Queen – the Patron of Bowls England

I spoke to one of our clients at the beginning of the week whose birthday had been the week before. It was the first birthday without her husband who died in January.  “It was awful, just awful” she said even though she had had lunch with a friend.  They hadn’t been married 73 years like the Queen but the pain of being  unable to share what should be a happy occasion was tangible in her voice.  Grief remains raw when birthdays and anniversaries and special occasions pop up each year.

Our thoughts go to Her Majesty and her family today and all our own families for the days that would have been so much more enjoyable and fun with the special family member.



Ready on Saturday – May’s Match Sign Up Sheets!

Another couple of changes on the Fixture List with the addition of Springfield on 26th June and the removal of some of the Middlesex Ladies’ matches due to a later start and all being knock out competitions.  If we (Middlesex) win the first round of the Walker Cup v Oxfordshires (Away), the team might get to play at Cambridge Park in the second round.  That would be absolutely brilliant!

I haven’t seen Ray Verralls for over a year but I’m sure he must be going grey/white with all the work he has put in!  What an introduction to the outdoor Fixture Secretary role in our Centenary year!  A very, very big thanks to him.

You can see all the fixtures for the season on the Calendar page of the website.

Match sign up sheets for the whole of May will go up in the Club on Saturday – not sure if they’ll be in the lobby or on the ‘normal’ board at the moment.  Wherever they are, please take it in turns to sign up and don’t huddle in a less-than-acceptable-social-distance!  There are a mixture of triples and rinks throughout the month, so there maybe only 9 places or there may be 12 but there are plenty of games, so everyone should stand a good chance of playing.  All of the May games are Mixed but some of the league matches may have restrictions such as “only one lady player per rink”.

We are playing Sunbury on Thursday 6th May when the club is being used as a Polling Station for the election of the Mayoral Election.  If you are selected for this game, please come changed as the changing rooms will not be in use – so remember to take  your bowls home before the day.  It would also be good to have people playing in the morning.  It’s a great chance to introduce locals to our favourite sport and a good chance to let them have a go – after they’ve voted.  We’re not allowed to speak to them before.

The Centenary match on Friday 21st May requires 5 triples – unfortunately we’re still restricted to only 30 on the green at that stage of the roadmap.  However, by the time we play Friends of English Bowling on 1st July, we’ll be putting out 6 rinks, so 24 players per team.  That should be a great game!

Dave Nottage rang today.  He was a bit surprised I wasn’t Dennis, whom he meant to ring and is the D after me on his phone contact list!

Anyway, it was good to catch up.  He is still a full time carer for his wife with just 3 hours respite per week when he takes himself down to his allotment to tend his plants etc. as well as reconnect with nature.  He hopes he may be able to get over to play for Ember the next time we have a fixture with them, but is not sure.  In the meantime, he wished everyone who remembers him well and hopes to see you all soon.  He misses the bowls very much.


I don’t know how many of you caught HRH Prince Philip’s funeral on television yesterday.  I managed to park the car for the 1 minute silence and then watched a bit on my phone before going home to watch on catch up.  I thought it was a very moving occasion and Prince Philip had done a remarkable job in arranging what he wanted from start (who else would have designed a landrover to hold a lead-lined coffin?) to finish.  The pallbearers were remarkably strong to hold his coffin for such a long time and move up so many steps pause for the minute’s silence then continue down the chapel without seeming to waiver.   It was a lovely touch having the horse and carriage with HRH’s cap, whip and blanket in the passenger’s seat and the bands playing on the grass outside – Nimrod by Elgar has me reaching for the Kleenex every time!  The four singers had wonderful voices and the acoustics for them, the buglers and bagpipes were perfect.

It was good that they followed protocol concerning Covid guidelines but it made me feel extremely sorry for HM the Queen to sit there all alone on such an occasion but I am sure she is not the only widow or widower in the last 12 months who has had to do this.  On those occasions, it’s when you want your family near and for them to be so close yet so far is really tough for everyone.

Prior to that, I had been for coffee with Tina & Mike C, Tricia G and Bob & Frances.  Tina has been poorly but is on the mend now.  Mike is doing a great job in looking after her and their new garden is lovely!  The birds frequenting the feeders are also jolly pleased that Mike and Tina now live there!

From there I popped in on Ray P to deliver his bowls and shoes and to pick up the indoor fixture name and address book as arranged earlier in the week.  Ray gaily went off to CP on Friday morning and checked up on the workers(!) and wondered why he couldn’t find his things.  Pat was on the verge of searching the garage!  With Ray’s resignation from the Board and the Indoor Fixture Secretary position, we need a few more people to step up and help ….. please!

Peter C went down to the Club and started working on Ken Wilson’s bench in the afternoon.  I am sure with the furniture oil, it will look lovely as well as keeping it in good condition.  We have just about 10-12 more benches that need a bit of tlc – sandpapering first, if any of you would like to help out with that.

Lynde House Care Home down the road in Cambridge Park, who have sponsored us outdooors, think some of their residents/staff might be able to help us out with a bit of gardening so we are looking into this.  It’s a really kind offer, so I hope we can make it work and forge a closer relationship between us.

There will be another Working Party on Wednesday morning, so if you didn’t make either session last week, do come down and give us a hand this week.  It’s a good chance to catch up with other members whilst enhancing the club grounds.

10-00 – 12.00 Wednesday 21st April.  The less we have to do on the surroundings once we start playing on Saturday, the better!  We’ll take a rain check on Wednesday as to whether it would be useful to have another working party on Friday.  The work will be there, but we don’t want to find stiff backs and limbs delaying your start to the outdoor season!

Better start practising bowling action and swinging our arms to get back into the rhythm!

Havea good Sunday.

Ooh, Another Sunny Morning for the Working Party!

Bring your workign/gardening/rubber gloves and sandpaper and come along between 10.00 and 12.00 and see what you can do to help get the outside area into better shape for the Centenary.

There’s still plenty of ivy in the flowerbeds that could do with hoying out for those feeling strong enough.

If you can manage an hour plus before settling down for a beer, that would be good!

Membership Application Forms are at the Club for collection and completion, so don’t forget to pick one up if you haven’t done so already.

I’m stewarding at a Vaccination Centre, so won’t be at the Club, but if anyone can video Terry with his new jet washer attempting to freshen up Cathy’s Cottage without soaking himself or anyone else, please let me have it or any other still shots that we can publish on here or our Facebook page.

Thanks.  Have fun!

Thanks and Middlesex – Men’s Competition Draws

Thanks to everyone who came along yesterday morning and did their bit to help out.

If I can remember everyone, there was Margaret B, Graham D, Beryl B, Norman, Sarah H,

Terry & Ann M, Gordon, Ange, Scott, Gym,

Shirley & Tony O, Brian N, Brian C, Derek R, Peter & Gill C, Peter A, Barry and Gerry.



Good to see Kevin, K, John E, Frances & Bob, Colin H, Alan B who were collecting their bowls ready for the outdoor seasons at Hampton, Strawberry Hill and Teddington.  Also good to have a brief catch up with Dave & Brenda S.

Thanks to Gordon and Jane for serving the drinks.

It was so much fun, we can repeat it all tomorrow (Friday)!  10.00 – 12.00 pm with drinks to purchase afterwards – bring your Membership Card, Debit or Credit card to pay.

The outdoor online rink booking system is now LIVE!  David H has been liaising with our web host to get us up and running and adding the indoor rink booking when pairs and triples play is allowed.

If you’re intending to come to the Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning roll ups, there is a maximum of 24 allowed on the green until we get to Roadmap Step 3, when hopefully we can have 48 on there!  David H has blocked booked these sessions for the roll-ups.


The Middlesex Men’s and Mixed Draws are now available on – click on the link on their home page

The National Competition draws have been published for almost everything now on


Working Party Wednesday!

The sun is shining but it’s still cold, so make sure you have plenty of layers you can take on and off depending on whether you’re lugging mats or cleaning tables etc. in groups of six.  10.00 am – 12.00 pm.  Bring rubber gloves and/or gardening gloves or whatever you need to handle things that have been tucked away in the shed for six months.  Hand sanitiser available, but you might want to bring hand cream.  If you like a mid-morning coffee/tea, please bring a vacuum flask. If you can hang on until midday  Jane will serve drinks to your outside tables, so you’ll need your Membership Card and/or Credit/Debit card for payment.  We will repeat the process on Friday!

Membership Application Forms will be on hand.

I know a few of you who wanted to come are unable for various reasons, so we wish you well.

See some of you later.