Author: Dawn Slaughter

Sad Start to 2021 with the Loss of Kath Wilson

Although we haven’t seen her for a year or more, Kath was a regular supporter at nearly all of Ken’s matches for years and years and years.  Both were very good friends with Brenda and Dave S with whom they regularly shared leisure time.  I’m sure a certain curry house in Surbiton was favoured monthly at least!

Kath was quite frail for many years but Ken brought her along to all of his games even when she had been registered blind and could see virtually nothing.    She sat alongside Rink 4 for the final few months that Ken was playing.  He cared for her at home right up until he went into hospital himself.  True devotion.  Kath passed away yesterday in a nursing home.  Unfortunately, due to Covid restrctions, neither Brenda nor Dave S were able to see her over the last few months, just Kath’s daughter.  It has been and still is so hard for those with loved ones in care/residential/nursing homes over the last 10 months.

Ken used to play cricket (as well as bowls) at Lensbury.  In those days, Kath used to stay at home while he played.  It is reported that she would ring in the later part of the afternoon and ask to speak to Ken.  On one occasion the reply came back.  “He’s just gone into bat.”  Quick as a flash, Kath responded “Oh, well I’ll hang on then as he won’t be long.”!

It’s good to have a sense of humour!

Kath will be sadly missed by her family and friends and we send our condolences to her son, daughter and their families as well as Brenda and Dave.

For newer members to the Club, Ken’s memorial bench is the lightest in colour at the Club.  It arrived before the outdoor season and was much used by our socially distanced spectators, so many thanks again to the family for their kind donation.

RIP Kath, back with Ken again.


World Bowls Championships Start This Morning – Friday 8th

You can watch it on YouTube (as well as all the previous years’ matches)

or on Facebook

or on the on your smart phone if you have one.

A few changes to the line up but the Open Pairs starts at 10.00 am today

Match 1st Round                                                                                             Quarter Finals          Semi-Finals            Final


P1         Ellen Falkner MBE (E) & Greg Harlow (E)         v          Damian Doubler (W) & Daniel Salmon (W)


PQF1……Wnr P1….v…Wnr P2….


P2        Les Gillett (E) & Jason Greenslade (W)            v          Perry Martin (E) & Wayne Willgress (E)


PSF 1 …Wnr PQF1…v…Wnr PQF2


P3        Michael Stepney (S) & Simon Skelton(E)         v          Scott Edwards (E) & Andrew Walters (E)


PQF2……Wnr P3… v…Wnr P4……


P4        Paul Foster MBE (S) & Alex Marshall MBE (S) v          James Rippey (S) & Darren Weir (S)


FINAL…Wnr SQF 1 v Wnr SQF2


P5        Robert Paxton (E) & Mark Royal (E)                 v          Devon Cooper (E) & Andy Thomson MBE (E)


PQF3……Wnr P5… v…Wnr P6……


P6        Mark Dawes (E) & Jamie Chestney (E)             v          Jason Banks (S) & Connor Milne (S)


PSF2……Wnr PQF3…v…Wnr PQF4…


P7        David Gourlay MBE (S) & Mervyn King (S)        v          Sam Barkley (Ire) & Stuart Bennett (Ire)


PQF4……Wnr P7… v…Wnr P8……


P8        Stewart Anderson (S) & Katherine Rednall (E) v          Jack Bird (E) & Stuart Irwin (E)



All matches will be played over 2 sets with a max of 9 ends per set. Any tie break will be over the best of 3 ends.

The Final will be played over 2 sets 11 ends and a 3 end tie break if required

It’s Good to Laugh!

Courtesy of one of Isle of Wight Ron’s friends….

Everyone PLEASE be careful because people are going crazy from being locked down at home!
I was just talking about this with the microwave and the toaster while drinking my tea, and we all agreed that things are getting bad.
I didn’t mention any of this to the washing machine, because she puts a different spin on EVERYTHING!! Certainly couldn’t share with the fridge, cause he’s been acting cold and distant!
In the end, the iron straightened me out! She said the situation isn’t all that pressing and all the wrinkles will soon get ironed out!
The vacuum, however, was very unsympathetic…told me to just suck it up! But the fan was VERY optimistic and gave me hope that it will all blow over soon!
The toilet looked a bit flushed but didn’t say anything when I asked its opinion, but the front door said I was becoming unhinged and the doorknob told me to get a grip!! You can just about guess what the curtains told me: they told me to “pull myself together!”
We will survive!!

Balaclavas, Sunshine and Immunity

It is feeling like a day when a balaclava would be a good option of headwear!  However, the sun is shining and if you manage to get out for even a short while, it should help your Vitamin D levels (although not as much as in the summer months!

Did anyone else besides Isle of Wight Ron and myself watch the BBC1 programme at 9.00 pm last night “The Truth about Boosting Your Immune System”.  We both thought it was very good.  There was quite a lot of science (unsurprisingly) but it was well balanced on tips that we can all follow to help keep our immune systems in top tip condition, with a few minor changes to normal routines.  It’s worth a watch on iPlayer.

One other night was a foodie one looking at carbon footprints of various food stuffs.  It was interesting unless you’re a beef eater and cheese lover.  In season British/locally sourced food items have a low carbon footprint, but the out-of-season asparagus flown from Peru wasn’t – although Sara Pascoe did say it was delicious!

Wrap up warmly when you head outside at 8.00 pm tonight to “Clap for Heroes”.  They need all the positive vibes we can send them.



wow, Wow, WOW!!

Congratulations to Peter and Gill Chapman for all their hard work in decorating their house.  A terrific amount of work for which everyone who donated and every Cancer Research recipient must be extremely grateful.

Peter & Gill Chapman – Christmas Lights Donations 2020  for Cancer Research

On a Positive Note

This National Lockdown may mean we cannot open for bowls for a few weeks but, in the long run, we should be safer as more vaccinations will be done during this time.  Gerry is still on for his second jab soon.   Hooray!

(I looked online and there are now more than 12 million ahead of me in the queue, so it’s looking like May rather than end February!)

Exercise is reduced to once a day and locally, so pick your moment well i.e. avoid rain!

Elite sports can still go ahead, so let’s hope that the Just World Indoor Bowls Championships can still go ahead from Friday morning and viewable on live streaming via links on previous post.  For those of you who love your football, that should be going ahead with various matches on television


The NHS are looking for Volunteers in various roles.  Check out to see if you think you can help others.  It seems to be about 2 x 6 hour shifts per month

Our glasses need to be half full, not half empty and remember a friend is just a phone call away.



PS  Anybody thinking of re-decorating their house again?  Barry & Teresa?!

Tea, Coffee, Beer, Wine, Chips! Updated

Any good suggestions for coffee etc with a friend besides the usual chain coffee shops?

Tide Tables under Richmond Bridge – coffee is good and there are a few benches concreted in, so a chance to sit down – or take a bin liner to sit on the wall.  Don’t lean back!

On the opposite bank, the cafe there is open and there are benches alongside the river

Btb at the bottom of Richmond Bridge, East Twickenham side.  Again, there are benches alongside the river.

The fish and chip shop opposite the side of the House of Fraser does excellent chips.  Grab a portion and sit on Richmond Green.  If it’s dry, there are usually plenty of people to watch.

The Cricketers on Kew Green are doing take away drinks e.g. beer and wine.  There are a few benches around.

Haven’t been to Hampton Hill recently – are Thyme on the Park and Paws for Coffee open?  You can take your drink into Bushy Park and find a tree stump to sit on.

Not everyone lives near the club, have any of you got other suggestions?

Even if you’re on your own, people watching doesn’t make you feel so alone.  Victoria Wood and Les Dawson wrote a lot of observational comedy sketches.  The material didn’t come from sitting inside!

Wrap up warmly before venturing out!


Off duty Dancer, Prancer and Olive bumped into Gerry this morning while all out for walks.

3rd January 2021 Walkies – Gerry asnd Murph

Prancer says Orleans House Gallery Cafe is open and also has loos (a good consideration!)


Clinging on to Christmas?

Listening to  Good Morning Sunday today and thir theme was Clinging on to Christmas.

Some people have Christmas presents under the tree awaiting the day that the family can come round again be it Easter or August.  Although it’s not twelfth night yet, many are leaving the decorations up for another couple of months to hang on to that usual feeling of warmth that abides across the country at this time.  Philippa Perry (Grayson’s wife) has something like 57 turkey pies in the freezer as they couldn’t cancel the turkey when the Christmas Bubble evaporated.  She said Boxing Day would last until Easter!

Is it time to move on or to hold on?  I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer.  If it makes you feel better, leave everything up but if the Christmas movies/mince pies/chocolates/decorations now bore you, then for you it’s the right time to move on.

Our mental wellbeing (key words of 2020?) is important which is why “what’s good for the goose isn’t necessarily good for the gander”.

I’m heading off to Kew at Christmas tomorrow night.  I think that will round off my festive season and the decorations will come down.  However, Ange said 13th January is the next decision date by the government.  Hmm.  Maybe I’ll just wait until then when the light at the end of the tunnel will be considerably brighter than those tiny sparkling ones of my Christmas tree! AND we might be able to look forward to opening the club again and getting back to bowls!


Keep handwashing, keep socially distanced, keep face covered when necessary, open a window/go outside.  Phone a friend!