Author: Dawn Slaughter

Between Watching the Bowls today …

… You can spend the time removing the bobbles from your jumpers (1 of 50 suggestions in the Times to deal with cabin fever).  Have any of you reached that stage yet?!


Excellent singles matches again yesterday.  Katherine did well to turn the game around,  not that she played badly in the first set.  Interesting that she kept to her backhand for the majority of the match even though the line and weight were trickier than the forehand.  Ellen Falkner did the same in the mixed pairs on Friday.  Both girls have excellent forehands so it was odd that they didn’t play more when it looked as if the percentage shot was better.  Rebecca and Marion had a brilliant game. Draw after draw after draw.  Laura did well to come through her match and I’m sure Carla was disappointed having led for virtually the whole match..

So for today, only three games:

10.00 am  Jason Greenslade (Wales) v Stuart Bennett (Eng)

Mixed Pairs Semi Finals:

2.00  pm Carla Banks & Rob Paxton (Scotland) v Katherine Rednall (Eng) & David Gourlay MBE (Scotland)

3.45  pm  Julie Forrest & Stuart Anderson (Scotland) v Devon Cooper & Les Gillett (both Eng)


The Final of the Open Pairs – Ellen Falkner & Greg Harlow and Mark Dawes & Jamie Chesney will be on BBC2 tomorrow afternoon at 2.00 pm.  If you’re talking to any of your non-internet friends, please let them know.


Did you know that the players choose the music they walk onto?  Interesting choices!  What you choose for your song?

I’m thinking from The Sound of Music

All I trust I leave my heart to
All I trust becomes my own
I have confidence in confidence alone
(Oh, help)
I have confidence in confidence alone
Besides, which you see
I have confidence in me
I probably would forego the carpet bag – did Maria have one of those or only Mary Poppins?
I’m sure you have much more trendy and upbeat songs.  Let us know!

Saturday Again – Time Flies, or Not

Another week goes by.  It sort of flies but doesn’t if that makes sense.  I’m just gearing myself up for a wet walk.  Listening to the rain on the skylights wasn’t conducive to my normal early start.  Alexa says it’s +2C, so that’s better than -2C isn’t it?


Did you see Greg & Bekki playing Katherine & David yesterday afternoon.  What a match!  Both sets tied then tight 3 end tiebreak.  The two girls played unbelievably well.  You can watch it on the YouTube World Bowls platform, along with all the other matches.

Wrold Bowls Open Singles today:

Open Singles first

10.00 am  Alex Marshall (Scot) v James Rippey (Scot)

2.00 pm  Katherine Rednall (Eng) v Stuart Irwin (Eng)

Ladies Singles

3.45 pm Marion Purcell (Wales) v Rebecca Wilgress (Eng)

7.30 pm Laura Daniels (Wales) v Carla Banks (Scot)


Check the timing for the first of the ladies’ matches.  It’s usually around 3.45 pm for the second afternoon slot.

Carla Banks played a brilliant game in the mixed pairs yesterday morning.  Some of the FB comments referred to her leaving her hair hanging down instead of tying back of her face.  People also commented about Julie Forrest’s ‘bouncing’ delivery.  They are both fantastic bowlers with consistent delivery action every time and that’s why they’re at the top so the oddities don’t matter.

As we all know, when it comes to bowls, everyone’s an expert!!


Have a good Saturday and just because it’s the weekend it doesn’t mean you leave off the handwashing, face covering, social distancing etc.  You can even phone a friend between the World Bowls matches!

Today’s Bowls from the World Championships

Some close matches yesterday with Julie Forrest only taking the lead against Jason Banks in the tie break ends and Greg Harlow had a lucky escape from Andy Thomson MBE.  Did Andy really mean to play his last bowl out that wide?  I’m really sorry to see he will be retiring from the World Bowls Tour after 33 years and 178 matches – WOW!   He has had a very illustrious career…

Today’s games – the Mixed Pairs:

10.00 am  Marion Purcell (I keep reading that as Bushnell!) & Mervyn King v Carla Banks & Robert Paxton

2.00 pm  Katherine Rednall & David Gourlay v Rebecca Willgress (nee Field) & Greg Harlow

3.45 pm   Ellen Falkner & Mark Dawes v Julie Forrest & Stuart Anderson

7.30 pm  Laura Daniels & Paul Foster v Devon Cooper & Les Gillett


A Poem Arrived on a Breeze!

Ann B kindly sent this in for our ladies.  Actually I think it works quite well for our chaps too!



An anonymous  non-rhyming poem for the ‘silver aged’

Remember that we old folks are worth a fortune

with silver in our hair, gold in our teeth,

stones in our kidneys, lead in our feet and gas in our stomachs.


While I have become a little older since I saw you last,

I have become quite a frivolous old girl, having two gentlemen with me all the time …

Will Power helps me get out of bed and Arthur Ritis never leaves me alone.


The priest came to call the other day and said at my age 

I should be thinking of the hereafter.

I told him I do that all the time no matter where I am –  

In the living room, the study, in the kitchen or upstairs, I always ask myself …

“What am I here … after?”

Thanks, Ann.

More food for thought with today’s news is that every club member should have their first dose of vaccination by mid March … apart from Scott, our youngest member!  Your time will come, Scott, but in the meantime keep on doing what you’re doing  Thank you for all those little tasks you’ve been doing to help us out at the club (e.g. sweeping and leaf clearing is greatly appreciated) and saves our backs from Arthur Ritis although maybe not from the ABC Clinic!


I Would Have Executed that Shot Perfectly!

I refer of course to the brilliant ones as well as the ones a yard short of the jack!

Yesterday, one of the commentators was mentioning that practice sessions on the portable rink can only be 2 at a time (those in support bubble) instead of the usual 4 and someone had booked an 11.30 pm slot last night.  I sent a text to Dave P.  He said “It was worth the 4 hour drive for 2 hours’ practice!”  He was joking, although maybe at some point …..

Another interesting comment by Nick Brett in answer to a question was that he likes to play competitive bowls all the time be it national, county, club or internal leagues.  He will practise if there is nothing else going on but said you can draw to the jack all the time (he maybe able to) on your own but you need to be able to do it consistently under pressure.  Not quite so easy.

Anyway, today’s matches

10.00 am  Julie Forrest (Scotland and Ladies World Champion) plays Jason Banks (Scotland)

2.00 pm  Greg Harlow (Eng) plays Andy Thompson MBE (Eng) – ooh, be still my beating heart!  For those of you who have toured to Potters, we have met these two regularly, so we can probably identify more with this match, knowing their personalities.

7.30 pm David Gourlay (Scotland) plays Scott Edwards (Eng).  Scott has played in several Open Singles Circuit tournaments, so another familiar face.


The World Bowls Tour is different from the EIBA.  Anyone can apply to enter the tournaments but you have to win 3 (I think) before you get invited to the finals.  Bearing in mind the calibre of players, 3 wins is tough.  With virtually no indoor bowls since last March and some of the usual players from overseas being unable to travel to the UK, the Championships are made up from the top players from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland.

There are a few ladies in the Open Singles.  Ellen Falkner and Katherine Rednall were the only two in the Open Pairs.  The Ladies have their own singles competition, so you’ll see a few more and the Mixed Pairs starts tomorrow morning.

The Final of the Open Pairs where Ellen Falkner and Greg Harlow take on Mark Dawes and Jamie Chestney is at 2.00 pm on Monday and should also be covered by the BBC as well as Facebook and YouTube.

Today’s World Bowls

A bit late as my pc wasn’t playing ball or bowls!

Wayne Wilgress (Eng) and Michael Stepney (Scotland) are now in play just into final end of first set

At 2.00 pm Paul Foster MBE (Scotland) plays Sam Barkley (Ireland – I think!)

at 3.45 pm Stewart Anderson (Scotland) v Andrew Walters (Eng) – Andrew has the hardest and fastest drive in the game.  You would not want to be on the end of it – even the bowls quake!

At 7.30 pm Jamie Chesney (England) plays Daniel Salmon (Wales)


If you miss any of the matches live, you can catch up again on YouTube.

Fought the Fright – from Kevin K

It was somewhat unusual that Kevin K hadn’t responded to recent posts but he emailed earlier today and, with his permission, I am copying his email below, which makes me well up every time I read it.

Below is a quick summary of what has been occurring with our family of the past few weeks.

Maureen, Jason and I contracted Coronavirus towards the end of December. Jason, fortunately, had minor symptoms and with a few supplements was able to stave off the infection. Maureen was worse affected but she is a strong lady and after a few days she managed to overcome the infection.

Me, I was taken to hospital by ambulance on the evening of 30th December and ended up seriously ill with Covid 19. A soon as I went into hospital I set my mind to get out again and carry on with the rest of my life. I could not have done this without the support of my family,

BUT equally important I could not have done it without the dedication and determination of the Doctors, Nurses and other staff at West Mid. Hospital. They really did save my life.

With their help and support I was discharged from Hospital on the evening of Sunday 10th January and Maureen brought me back home. I am currently recuperating at home. I am not sure how long this is going to take but I know that I have the ongoing support of both my family and the NHS. (A Doctor even called me at home from the hospital yesterday lunchtime to see how I was progressing).

I was delighted to read that Cambridge Park members are already having their vaccinations. You never know, they might finally get round to my age group! I will be first in the queue when the time comes.

I was looking at the news this morning and a Minister made a comment which I believe is particularly relevant – behave as if you have the virus and could spread it to someone else.





Well done to Jason, Maureen, Kevin and the brilliant NHS.  We love all of you!

World Bowls Schedule – Tuesday 12th January

In case you hadn’t realised the World Bowls Championships are on at Potters in Norfolk,  yesterday afternoon saw Greg Harlow & Ellen Falkner go through to the Final of the Open Pairs to play Mark Royal & Jamie Chesney next Monday.

There are four matches today which you can watch via the World Bowls Facebook page or on YouTube World Bowls.  Matches will be on BBC2 next week!

Ellen is back on the portable rink this morning at 10.00 am playing Mervyn King ranked at 9 in the Open SIngles.

At 2.00 pm, Mark Dawes (Eng) plays Darren Weir (Scotland)

At 3.45 pm Les Gillett (Eng) plays Perry Martin (Eng)

At 7.30 pm Mark Royal (Eng) takes on Damian Doubler (Wales)

Nick Brett is not playing as he broke his right arm slipping on the golf course.  He has been in the commentary box, which is good!  If you’re looking for tactics and decisions on shots to improve your own game, test yourself.  What shot would you play and then see if that was the experts do!


Monday Again!

Seventh Day of this lockdown.  Can’t believe we haven’t completed a full week yet.  If the November lockdown dragged, this one might drag more … unless we find some things to do.

  1.  Keep watching the World Bowls Championships on Facebook or YouTube – they’re only17 days in total and that’ll be it for another year, so good to make the most of them.  Some brilliant shots and a few ends which were dreadful – even by our standards!  The players are human and cannot play perfect bowls every time.  That’s ok!
  2. Cooking for the freezer.  If you live on your own and cook a recipe for four.  You could eat one, save one for the next day and freeze the rest in two separate portions.  I never quite get around to freezing so by the time it gets to the fourth of fifth consecutive day, it’s original appeal has definitely gone!  Baking cake recipes.  Far too dangerous!
  3. Getting out in the fresh air.  It’s good for the brain and helps switch off from other news.  If you suddenly get a NHS Trck & Trace message and have to self-isolate, wouldn’t  you miss be able to get out?
  4. Music.  Sing along with Frank Sinatra, Robbie Williams, Gary Barlow, Adele, the London Philharmonic or Gareth Malone’s choirs.
  5. Find something to laugh at.  Another thing that makes us all feel better.  Look up a film or tv episode that makes you laugh- Del Boy falling through the bar in Only Fools and Horses, Dad’s Army.  Dinner Ladies. Keeping up Appearances.  Tom & Jerry made my Dad laugh so much that on one occasion he actually spat out a mouthful of tea.  If you remember my Dad, you’ll find it hard to believe.  That memory makes me laugh!
  6. Over to you …..

Anyone Have Square Eyes Yet?!

Great to have the bowls via the internet.  I seem to have watched four games already.

If you can watch on YouTube or another catch up system, Paul Foster and Alex Marshall played a brilliant game.  Who wouldn’t want a lead playing shots like that every end?  Hands up those who would like to be able play consistent shots like those as lead for a partner or team?!

More games today.  If you have  smart TV, watching via YouTube with a full screen is brilliant.

Nick Brett broke his arm when he slipped in the wet playing golf, if you hadn’t heard the reason why he wasn’t playing.  It’s good to hear him in the commentary box though.  He said “I have the face for radio”!

Keep following the guidelines – handwashing, face coverings, space and staying at home where possible, but don’t forget to get out for some fresh air* and Vitamin D each day.  All are important!  -1C out there today, so wrap up warmly!


*Joan O’N is doing 22 laps of her garden every day to clock up one mile.  Well done.  Bernard is also going out for a walk every day and delivering the papers and stopping for coffee with  Joan on Saturdays (support bubble).