Author: Dawn Slaughter

See Through Scrubs – Ooh, Sounds like Carry on Nurse!

Had a funny email from Barbara P who had some sheets ready to be made into scrubs by Jill G‘s U3A group.  Apparently white isn’t any good as it’s see through!  It might make patients laugh which would be good for some but not for all of them!  I never even crossed my mind about that.  So, if you have coloured sheets/duvet covers you don’t need, they will make less revealing scrubs and save a bit of embarrassment.

Well done to Ange & Scott for delivering 14 portions of Beef Stifado around and about today.  I was lucky enough to get a portion for my dinner and it was absolutely delicious.  The two of them have done a brilliant job cooking a meal each week and delivering to ever growing numbers.   That was Ange’s last cook-in for the summer though. Thanks a million to Ange, Scott (and Des giving up the kitchen) for all you have done for the members.  A big round of applause heading your way !

Ron C was pleased to hand over 2 bags of frozen peas on Saturday which the supermarket had delivered in place of 4 cans of mushy peas.  I suppose he could have thawed them then attacked them with a rolling pin?? !  Despite being under the weather a bit,  Ron has picked up the phone and rung a few people – excellent.  Do likewise everyone.  It’s good to talk even if you can’t get out.

Kevin K said all the Hamptonites he had spoken to were well.  I guess more of them as well as us will be venturing out a bit more to get some fresh air and/or talk to friends.  Do not feel bad if the thought of going out scares you.  Going from total lockdown to some freedom of movement won’t be easy.  Some of us have been going out to work (not using public transport) for the last 8 weeks, so we feel more confident in the street, supermarket etc.  We still have to be aware of good hygiene and the physical distancing required though.  There is no reason to be blase at all and handwashing is essential before you go out and after you come back.  Hand gel is also a must but don’t put your hands near your mouth, It tastes absolutely awful!

Ange reminded me that the wonderful Vic Perry (national umpire) was an international speed skater.  I wonder if he was ever up against Gerry?

Keep your news coming in.  It’s good to stay connected until we get on the green again!



Easing of Some Lockdown Restrictions

I hope the easing of restrictions allowing you to meet someone from a different household outdoors but still at social distancing is good news for several of you.  Woodland Gardens in Bushy Park will have several of you talking with each other from 2m away.  Brilliant!

As regards sport which can be played on your own or with your household from Wednesday, we have plans in place and will get back as soon as we can as regards outdoor bowling.  There are a couple of hurdles than need to be cleared but we are very hopeful those that are able and want to will be back on the green very soon.  It will need to be regimented as we have to look at the safety of every member as a priority.  Not everyone will want to venture out yet and that will be respected.  Fingers crossed!


Back to Skating and our Gerry ….

As you know, Gerry said he used to speed skate for Aldwych.  Here he is in 1950 in action.  Very recognisable and still has a head of hair today!

Gerry Swan – 1950


This is a photo of his wife, Doreen, at Richmond Ice Rink.  She was a very good ice dancer

Doreen Swan & Dance Partner 1950

Thanks to everyone who sent  me birthday wishes yesterday.  I  had a pretty good day all in all.  It could have been a lot worse!

With the government announcement last night about some sports being able to be played from this week as long as social distancing is adhered to, there is definitely a much larger light at the end of the tunnel!


Keep strong all of you. Keep handwashing and don’t forget to phone a friend!


Where’s the Sun and Heat?!

It was a bit of a surprise this morning when the sun wasn’t blinding me through the skylight as it had been after the last few days.  Might have to put a jumper on!

More VE Day Celebrations news from Barbara P who lives across the road from Pat S

Weren’t we lucky with such a gorgeous day for our very muted celebrations!  We (Pat & I)  took our suitable refreshments outside onto the front garden and had very happy chats with any who passed by – and I am pleased to say there were quite a lot – all at a social distance I hasten to add.  I hope your day was as enjoyable.

and also from Ray & Pat P celebrating in their usual party fashion.  Don’t they look great?

Ray P Enjoying the Sunshine and Celebrations



Party Purdey’s



Bank Holiday Saturday

Kevin sent us the Royal British Legion standard bearer video which is on yesterday’s post.  He also updated us on the Hampton crew and all are well.  Bill & Pauline even managed to escape for a walk.  Escape from Colditz version 2?!

Did you see the flypast?  I heard but couldn’t see the planes.  Still, I managed to enjoy Sarah H’s road flypast

That plane was a good buy!

Were you all celebrating?  Did Tony O make it to ‘his wall’ I wonder?

I made some scones and left a plate full for a colleague along with a Wartime Carrot Cake recipe.  Her daughter 10 is supposed to be studying and writing something about VE Day. Let’s just say, it’s not going very well.  It’s not easy home schooling children especially after 7 weeks and with 5 people in their flat, there’s not a lot of room for peace and quiet – for any of them.

Another colleague sent photos from her front garden.  She seemed to have moved the whole living room suite outside to the front garden and she and her family were enjoying their celebration tea with neighbours in their front gardens!

Right.  Off to do some gardening.

Keep me updated with your news and don’t forget if you’d like a portion of Beef Stifado cooked by Ange, let her know by tomorrow morning  Delivery on Wednesday



Friday 8th May – It’s VE Day! Updated with RBL Standard Bearer in Hampton – click on the link

Firsltly, Happy Birthday to Susie R!  Lots of love from all of us  Susie is too young to remember VE Day but some others do …

From Beryl BThe only thing I remember is I had 3 older sisters and a younger brotherbeing excited that our Dad who was in the RAF was coming home for good.

From Shirley O: Tony was born in 1933 in Teddington and has vivid memories of sitting on a wall outside the Kings Head pub in Teddington and watching people celebrating, he will endeavour to sit on that same wall tomorrow. His road had a great big bonfire in the middle of the road which melted the tarmac and to this day you can still see the ‘burn’ marks. He can remember being thrilled to see the streets lit up with street lighting as until then there was blackout. What has never left him is the sound of ‘sirens’ which makes him go cold with fear and dread.

What a memory and I hope that Tony gets to sit on that wall and remember the celebrations and not the sirens.

What are doing?  Having a BBQ at home?  A virtual tea party?  Singing “We’ll Meet Again” at 9.00 pm tonight?  Whatever  you’re doing, remember the 2 minute silence at 11.00 am and this evening raise your tea, wine, gin, whatever in memory of those who gave us the chance for a life of freedom, despite being currently in lockdown!  Cheers, everyone!



PS  If you have ordered/would like to order a portion of Ange’s Beef Stifado, please give her  your postal address  This will be her FINAL cook and delivery, so make the most of it!  She has 14 portions on order already!


Image was taken from a friend’s Facebook post.

Off to make some scones before work!.  Wonder if the Coop has any Clotted Cream?

Bank Holiday Weekend Chinese Whispers

Just one more day before the Bank Holiday weekend. Weyhey!  Where are you going?  The bedroom? The kitchen? The garden?!

Despite the Chinese Whispers that seem to be going around, I’m afraid there are no roll ups this weekend even though the weather forecast is pretty good.

We are waiting for government guidance (it is hoped that golf, tennis and angling might be released from lockdown restrictions soon)  and we are working on plans with a full Risk Assessment by a qualified Healthcare Professional to be submitted to the Board in order that we can arrange bowling in some form for members.  It will only work if the Proposal and Risk Assessment is approved by the Board first,  and then members adhere to the quitre strict regime.    So keep an eye on the website and we’ll update you as soon as we can.

Believe me, we want to get you and us back bowling as soon as we can, but it needs to be done safely as we have your best intereests at heart.


PS If the suggestions for easing lockdown given out on the radio this morning are true, this would be so good for all of us – mentally and physically.  Let’s wait for Sunday’s PM broadcast.