Author: Dawn Slaughter

Happy Birthday to Another May Baby – Ange!

A very happy birthday to Ange today – you know her – Professor, Physio, Lecturer, Sports Psychologist, Health & Safety professional and her most recent title from the indoor season  “Kitchen Staff”!  There’s nothing like have an all-round array of gifts and titles!

We have been very blessed with members to the Club and Ange is definitely included .  A breath of fresh air with her drive, energy, charisma not to mention her natural sporting talent.

With a wonderful hisotry of national sporting achievements – including being England Hockey Captain, Ange set up the successful ABC  Physiotherapy Clinic from Cambridge Park which has treated many members as well as many other patients.  She is obviously a very natural sportswoman and took to bowls like a duck to water, although like the rest of us, she is still learning all the time but even in three short years, she is and will be a force to be reckoned with on the green so we all need to up our game!  It is a great shame that the “normal” outdoor season hasn’t happened as Ange won enough points for her County Badge and had been awarded a “Johns Squad” Trial.  No mean feat in such a short space of time.

We have Jane Taylor to thank for Ange arriving at the club.  When I was a teenager, I played hockey at Ealing LHC and spent a good year (1975!) when I was selected for the 1st XI playing Left Back.  Out on the Left Wing was Sheila Cornwallis.  “Left wing …LEFT WING!” still echoes in my ears as Sheila yelled then pounded down the pitch ball appeared to be held to her stick with chewing gum before she belted it across into the circle for Glynis Hullah or one of the others to deflect into the goal.  (This was on grass – see I said it was a long time ago!)

Ange moved down to London from Cheshire and stayed with Sheila for a time and they have stayed good friends ever since.  On a short visit to Sheila’s Wiltshire neck of the woods, Ange was introduced to indoor bowls.  After they came off the green, one of the Wiltshire members said “Where do you play?”  “I don’t.  This is the first time I’ve played”  “You should take it up.  Where do you live?”  “Whitton”  “You should join Cambridge Park!”

So, following an email with “Are you the Dawn Slaughter who played hockey at Ealing LHC?  If so, I have a friend who would like to come to Cambridge Park to start bowling”.  Unfortunately Sheila (you’ve met her – she has purple hair!) forgot to mention who the friend was!  A week later, Ange and Scott were attending one of the Open Evenings.  The rest is history except it’s still going on, isn’t it?

Her contribution to the club in so many ways has touched all of us and turning her hand to helping with the indoor match meals was fantastic, let alone being Indoor Competition Secretary after one year of playing and everything else she does – Burns Night, Summer BBQ etc.  Throughout lockdown, she has kept in contact with many members by phone, cooking and providing hot meals which she and Scott have delivered, plucked rhubarb from Joan O’N’s garden and turned it into Rhubarb Crumble (even though she’s not a pudding person!). Her energy, drive, enthusiasm, kindnessand commitment to the whole of the club definitely is a blessing – a Team Player in every sense of the word.  With great results in the 2019 outdoor competitions and two MIddlesex indoor semi-finals yet to play, bowls is her sport and she is heading for great things – with all of our support.

With Ange producing the Risk Assessment and Guidelines for Middlesex Clubs, it has been the start of many clubs actually realising it is possible to get back playing bowls safely and socially distancing.  It’s not just for the bowling, it’s for the mental health of members who have been tucked away for the last 8-9 weeks and for whom loneliness is becoming harder to cope with.  The next step is to get permission to have spectators during the club sessions as there is more than enough space for our non-playing members to sit and watch safely.  Bowls England have had to make a general stand which we appreciate, but not all clubs are in the fortunate position of having private grounds.  It is so galling when two people can meet for a picnic in Marble Hill Park with loads of other people around but they cannot meet in a quiet area at the club to do the same!  We are working on it – very hard, believe me!  Don’t give up thinking you’ll never be able to sit at the club.  You will.  Honestly.

Anyway, after all that, I would like to wish Ange (and her twin sister Susie) a very happy birthday where someone else does the cooking and a day of rest even though like the rest of the club’s May babies, birthdays have been very different this year!



Cambridge Park welcomes an Honoured Guest – Saturday

It was quite a day for the club yesterday with Dave Pitt, runner up in the National Champion of Champions rolled up in the morning with Dawn then in the afternoon, Laurence was on hand to welcome Andrew Newell and his family to the club.  It’s a long time since we’ve seen teenagers on the outdoor green!

Laurence with Andrew

Andrew contacted us through our Facebook page.  He lives in London but represented Jamaica in the Commonwealth Games in 2018.  The report from sw_londoner is below.  I hope that Andrew will be back again soon and we’ll try and find some Bob Marley in our cd collection for when he comes back!

Reggae Roller Newell claims shock lawn bowls Commonwealth Games victory

Andrew Newell is the Caribbean island’s first-ever lawn bowler at the Commonwealth Games and he produced a shock victory over English world number three Robert Paxton.

In fact, shock doesn’t come close to doing justice to the result.

This genteel sport had never seen anything quite like it, as the 44-year old danced down the parched greens of Broadbeach while the DJ frantically searched his reggae playlist and the surf rolled in on the adjacent beach. It was a result even more stunning than the vista.

Along with team-mate Merv Edwards, the ‘Reggae Rollers’ have caused quite a stir Down Under and were even stopped for a photograph in the athletes’ village by Yohan Blake.

But Newell, who lives and works as a youth worker in south-west London, was determined not to be another sporting novelty act.

However, after losing all his pairs matches with Edwards by heavy scorelines, things were looking bleak.

And they didn’t get better when he suffered a 21-0 and 21-2 defeat in his opening two singles matches, not the ideal preparation for taking on gold medal favourite Paxton.

However, Newell danced and jigged his way to the most improbable of victories, leaving Paxton ashen-faced in the midday sun.

“I like it when they crank the music up, it was good to hear Bob Marley at the end there – I need to find the DJ and give him some more tunes,” said Newell.

“I feel I’ve done myself justice now. I’ve been beating myself up about my other results but this proves I deserve to be at the Commonwealth Games, proudly flying the flag for Jamaica.

“It feels amazing, it makes everything worthwhile. Perhaps Robert was not at his best but I couldn’t have performed any better, I’m just so proud.

“He’s a big scalp. If you’d told me I’d lose every game here and beat Robert Paxton, I’d have snapped your hand off.

“We read stories about Jamaican sport and it’s all about participation, so it feels great not just to have participated but to have won a big match too. It’s amazing to represent your country and be the first to do it.”

Newell’s journey to the Commonwealth Games started on a park in south London and he hopes his unlikely story will now inspire some of the children he works with.

“The kids have got more and more interested as the Games got closer, it would be pretty cool to see a few of them start playing too,” he added.

“I started 15 years ago in Battersea Park and I just loved it straight away. I used to go down the park and see these guys playing bowls and I thought ‘I’d like a go at that’.

“Me and Mum would watch the bowls on television and one day I was off work and I just called a local club and never looked back.”

And with that Newell, who beat India’s Krishna Xalxo later in the day, was off – as Bob Marley’s ‘Sun is Shining’ was played over the public address.

Missed Norman’s Birthday on Saturday – Oops

Bottom of the class for me as I didn’t turn on the computer yesterday so belatedly want to wish Norman a very happy birthday from all of us.  I’m sure there must have been scones with clotted cream and jam (in the Devonshire fashion) with jelly and ice cream plus an odd zoom meet up!

Norman is known as one of Ange’s “special” ones ie no onions!  During lockdown we have discovered that landscape design for sporting challenge events along with sports presenter and commentating are a few of Norman’s hidden talents!  Did you also know he shares a birthday with Paul Gasgoine?  Not sure if that’s good or not!

Sorry, this is late Norman!


Down at the Club, we welcomed a new member  Dave Pitt, as Masonians isn’t quite up and running yet.  Good new for us and we’ll all have to up our game.  The intended singles ladder competition will be interesting.  Laurence is also thinking of running 75 shot competition in league fashion on weekend mornings but he’ll be working the finall details soon.



Mixed Views Friday

Laurence had a response to a general enquiry about permitting spectators during the sessions but I’m afraid the answer is still “no”, but Alistair Hollis has said that Bowls England will be approaching the DCMS (Department of Culture, Media & Sport) regarding this.  We are aware this is Mental Health Awareness Week and we want to help all our members.  Loneliness is no fun, so if you are feeling down, phone a friend.  Take your own coffee and meet them in a park.  We would prefer it if you would bring your own coffee and meet one friend in the club grounds, but I’m sorry as we just can’t …. yet.

Also from Bowls England is that Pairs’ play is not yet permissible but don’t give up on this yet either!  We may just have to wait another week or so.

David H has been working on the online rink booking system through the Members’ Section of the website.  He’s nearly there.  Our web host has provided this to us for free as one of the first two clubs to try the system out.  We’re very lucky.  We’ll let you know when it’s working but in the meantime, we are very grateful that David is continuing to manage the bookings

When the new system is up and running, you will notice you can only book rink 1, 2 or 3.  Just because there are only 3 numbers, it doesn’t mean you’ll be playing on the same rink or in the same direction every time!  It just simplifes the booking system for now.


It’s taken me 30 mins to do a 10 minute job.  Has anyone else tried sweeping leaves against the wind?


Thursday is Shopping Day!

There were quite a few roll up sessions yesterday and plenty tomorrow and Saturday, but today is clear.  Although I am not Miss Marple, I surmise that today is the day you’re all off to the supermarket or the corner shop to stock up for the week.  Or maybe you are socially-distance meeting a friend or a relative, going out for a drive?   Despite the slight relaxation in the lockdown, it still feels like we’ve been cooped up for months and months, not just two and a bit.  It is very easy to get down in the dumps because we’re now wanting to go back to more normality, but we can’t.  If you feel like this, it’s not just you!  Phone a friend if you can’t get out or, if you can, phone a friend and see if you can meet somewhere at a social distance.  A real human voice is good but sometimes seeing and hearing a friend is better.  Just stay aware and alert and use plenty of common sense when you do go out.

Keep going.  We’re getting through it.

Don’t forget if you want to get a roll up session in, email as you need to book 24 hours in advance.  If you would like coaching from Laurence, which is permissible on a one-to-one basis, please email him on the club email address – to arrange a mutually convenient time.

Way, way back when this all started, you will remember my sock drawer post.  You’ll be pleased to know that it is still neat and tidy and a joy to open every morning (little things please little minds).  I want to apply this to my bulging wardrobe, so all my clothes are going to go through the Marie Kondo Method.  Have you heard of her?

You take every (and she means every) item of clothing out of your wardrobe and one by one you go through them asking if it brings you ‘joy’?  Do you love it or just like it?  If it gives you joy and you love it, keep it and put it back in the wardrobe.  If you just like or actually dislike it, get rid of it – charity, recycling or whatever.  So, this is my plan of action for the weekend.  My difficulty is that I have clothes I have kept for use on stage which are ok.  I don’t necessarily love them but they have been useful for 30s, 40s, 50s amdram productions.  I don’t want to throw them then find I need something for the next play, so I have a bit of a Marie Kondo Conundrum!  Oh joy!




Happy Birthday to Ann Halliday!

Happy Birthday to Ann H!  What a glorious day for a birthday but it’s a shame it will not be an all-family affair garden party.  Maybe there will be a chance to physicallyl meet up with family for everyone.  There will be a lot of cake and prosecco all round, I’m sure.

After another rubbish sleepless night, I went out at 5.40 am heading towards the Club to water Rita’s Garden before it got very hot – 27C today, I believe.  (The green sprinkler system seemed to have worked well and I didn’t need to do the garden!)

By the time I reached Richmond, having passed only a few runners, there were kayakers and paddle boarders out on the river.  The river was so calm, it was almost mirror-like in places.  The Canadian Geese with their large clutch of goslings were snuggled on the river bank, the blackbirds were out singing and scooting around for the early bird worms.  It was so pretty and would have been idyllic had there not been so many cars and vans out and litter – crisp bags, bottles and cans just left on the ground.  Why, oh why, oh why do people think its not their responsibility to take the rubbish home or even put it in a bin? I’m turning into a grumpy old woman!

On the plus side, nearly every runner cyclist passed on the tow path said “Morning” so that was good!

The green has quite a few bookings today which is good.  Maybe next week more of you would like to venture onto it?  It’s a little bit pushy but it’s swinging.  Bishop Duppas, Sunbury and Masonians are up and running with West Ealing opening on Sunday and Hampton too.

We are approaching Bowls England to see if we can have spectators ie members who aren’t playing outdoors and partners, as we have the space for people to sit 2m apart BUT we have to tow the line for this week and ensure all the safety measures are in place and working for you.  I’m sure BE will be approached by other clubs asking the same thing so maybe the Guidelines will be updated sooner than later.  Let’s hope so.  It would be really lovely to see more of you.  One step at a time though!

Anyone fancy taking up paddle boarding in the meantime?!


Rink Booking Times and Subs

Monday got off to a good start with 6 playing on the first slot and another 4 at midday.    A couple of bookings for today then more again on Wednesday.

You will be pleased to know that everyone understood the guidelines with regards to self-distancing and everyone felt safe, which is the main thing and the bowling was an added bonus!


On to rink bookings.  The time slots are 10.30, 12.00, 1.30, 3.00, 4.30 and 6.30 (the latter to allow for those working to get there!).

Now subs!

It has been agreed by the Board that you will be invoiced for Subs once you have made a booking.

As we  have a slightly later start and it’s all a bit different, members playing this week will be invoiced with a 20% discount i.e. £116 instead of £145 and there is a £12 charge for the Anti-bac Back Pack if you do not have your own disinfectant, 70% alcohol anti-bac hand gel etc.  The bottles are a reasonable size and should last you the season.  It’s at cost price.

Those not starting before July will have the subs pro-rata and will be advised accordingly.  New Outdoor Members will be charged £60 if starting in May or pro-rata if starting later in the season.

Monday Again – Week 9 or is it 10?

Well, after a flurry of emails and phone calls, the outdoor green opens today.  14 members  have already booked sessions to play.  If you think  you’d like a go, for today please email David Hale  We are just doing the final testing on an online booking system which will work through the Members’ section of the site.  David and the webhost are tweaking even as I type!

I hope some of you managed to get out at the weekend.  The mornings were chilly but by the afternoon, the temperature was good.  Thinking that everyone would be out in the parks etc., I popped down to Richmond Sainsburys only to see the queue about 40 people long, so abandoned that idea.

John D has been out and about spotting CP members lurking in the Woodland Gardens in Bushy Park.  As long as you keep your distance, you can have a chat to one other person not from household.

Last weekend, I spent a bit of time tidying up Rita’s Garden and planted some begonias, petunias and nirene something.   I’m not sure I’ve planted some of  them the right way, so we will have to see.  A few more to go in this week.  At the moment there are a lot of yellow and blue violas and as you can see, the small rose bush in the middle is just beginning to bloom.  The various ducks are keeping a watchful eye from the sign and the neighbourhood robin pops down as supervisor in the hope there might be a few interesting morsels about.  There is also a bluetit nesting in a hole in the wall near the dining room entrance.  Ange report that he and a couple of others were keeping a watchful eye on Scott and her as they weeded and swept the ditches, washed and replaced the mats .  Terry  has set up the rink markers and will turn the green each week, so there’s a good chance of equal play across the whole green.

Rita’s Garden 9th May 2020
Rita’s Garden 17th May 2020

Outdoor Bowling and Spectators …. until further notice

Afternoon everyone!

Firstly, thanks for looking at the outdoor bowling bookings.  David has been busy.  It would be easier if you could email him, although I appreciate there are a few things it’s easier to ask over the phone.

We should have an online booking system up this week which is really exciting!  Our web host at Bowls-Central is brilliant!

Secondly …..

We have a great place in which it would be easy to sit and watch at the required 2m distance but for the time being, the Bowls England Guidance is quite clear that no visitors or spectators are allowed and the club remains shut although there can be access to a toilet.  (As mentioned in our Guidelines, anything you have contact with as regards handles, flush, seat and taps needs to be disinfected after use.)

We have to abide by the Bowls England Guidelines* so let’s see how the first week or two pan out.  It maybe then that Bowls England update their Guidance Notes (as with the Risk Assessment, these are all “rolling” documents and can be changed as we go forward) and the restrictions are eased again.  That would be good.

Not everyone wants to play.  Some would like to come and watch and enjoy seeing familiar faces and catch up but I’m sorry as we are not allowed to do that yet.

One step at a time.   We have to walk before we can run!

As soon as the next lot of Guidelines come through, we’ll keep you updated.


  • I will move a copy of these to the Covid-19 post in the Members’ Section so everything is in one place.

Ready …. Steady …. Go! Book to Bowl!

Well, we’ll be able to bowl outdoors from Monday 18th May thanks to Ange, Laurence, Jacquie and David H and of course the Bowls England Guidelines which were posted on Thursday and helped the cause.  We are so fortunate to have Ange and Jacquie as members, as both are qualified to produce formal Risk Assessments and we have been working hard to make this work for both Cambridge Park and MIddlesex Clubs.

The Risk Assessment, Self Declaration Form and Guidelines for Members are in the Members’ Section of this website.  Please email me for password.  Please read them.  They are for your benefit!

Quick Summary:

3 Rinks will be bookable from 10.30 each day for 1 hour only.  Must be booked at least 24 hours before – no turning up on the day!  David Hale is taking the bookings for the first week.  Contact details on the Guidelines.

Come changed.  Bring your own water for while you’re playing.  The main Clubhouse is shut. but lobby will be open to collect mats and jacks.  Disinfect your hands as soon as you enter.

Ensure you have signed a Self Declaration Form before playing – either email me or the club or leave in the lobby.  There are hard copies in the lobby if you cannot print at home.

You will be invoiced for Subs which will need to be paid within 7 days of playing.

We have some Anti-bac Back Packs available – 20 at the moment.  Let me know if you would like one or you can bring your own.  Antibac hand gel, Antibac disinfectant spray and cloth.


Solo and Singles Roll up and Practice only for the time being.

Solo – Disinfect the mat(s) and jack(s) before and after play.

Singles – Disinfect mats and jacks before play.  Nominate ‘Matman’ and ‘Jackman’.  (Ange’s description!)  Matman always places the mat at each end and Jackman only places the jack – wherever the end winner wants it.  You’re working as a team but keeping physical distance.  On the mat to bowl then after, one of you moves to the width of the rink marker to the right and the other moves to the rink marker to the left.  After all bowls played, you walk up in line with the rink marker on your side.  Look at the head separately – keep that 2m!  No measuring.  Get used to using your eyes!  One player kicks bowls back to respective sides of the rink.  Only handle your own bowls.  We have to reduce the risks in order to keep you safe.

After play, disinfect mats and jack and place back in lobby.  Do not hang around to mingle.   I know  you can meet one other person in a park at a safe distance now but we can’t have a dozen of you doing that because you’ll be tempted to stand closer and closer – we’re all such socialable beings!    Check timings on the Guidelines in the Members’ section

Tips:  Try disinfecting the edges (back and front) of the mat ie where you put your hands.  If you spray all over, the centre of the mat can get slippery and we do not want you falling over whilst keeping you safe!

The antibacterial gel can make your bowls slippery in your hands.  Bring your own Grippo or cloth.

Finally (maybe!).  Some of you are on 12 week lockdown and still staying safe at home.  That’s fine.  There’s still a lot of summer left to bowl.  Secondly, some of you will not have been out other than a quick dash to the corner shop and do not want to venture further yet.  That’s fine too.   Please do not worry if you feel frightened about leaving the cocoon in which you have been living.  It is perfectly understandable.  Take it in stages.  Disinfect your hands before leaving your home and on returning.  Keep the physical distance between you and other people.  Use your common sense.  Phone a friend!  We’ve all been scared during the last 8-9 weeks and so we should have been!  Talking to someone else really helps.  The number of cases of the virus are coming down and as long as we all stay aware and alert, life will return to some sort of normality but, personally, I doubt if it will ever return to how it was before February.  We will adjust.  We are flexible!

Shout if you have any issues about the above.
