Author: Dawn Slaughter

Happy Mother’s Day

I wonder what my Mum would do today?  Many of you remember her – June Mansell – played lead with a set of 00 brown bowls.  She was tiny with a terrible habit of smoking(!) but a heart of gold and definitely a do-er.  She would knuckle down and get on with it and put herself out to help others at a time like this.

Phone your mother, if they’re still with us, talk to them even if they’re not.  Phone someone else’s mother, phone a dad, phone a friend.  Make someone’s day by letting them hear another person’s voice and not feel so isolated.  The only option is Phone a Friend.  We don’t need an audience vote and it’s not 50:50!

I have been in contact with quite a few members, particularly those known not being connected to the internet.  Everyone is ok and asked me to pass on their love to you all and wishing you stay safe.

We can be strong together and if we behave ourselves with social distancing, we’ll be allowed out to bowl again later in the summer.

Keep hand washing, smiling and laughing in between doing your exercises to keep you moving!


If any of you need help with shopping, please let me know


How to Stay Active While At Home – Sport England offering lots of hints, tips, exercises for all

There are vigorous exercises for those that want them and sedentary ones for those who don’t or can’t.  Lots of different ideas.  Give one or two a go and let us know how you get on.


Check out the Cambridge Park Bowls Club Facebook page too – I can post things on there from my phone more easily than here but will keep both fairly well updated.



And we will be back playing as soon as we can!

Shutdown – 5 Days On

Is it really only 5 days since we shut the club?  It seems like months since a bowl left my hand and I’m sure most of you feel the same.

I hope you’re all still well and are being sensible, keeping up the handwashing andng that all import 2 metres from the next person.  This will be very hard for the naturally touchy-feely ones amongst us.

The club is still shut but if you have a few minutes, why not ring someone from your league team or club (indoors or outdoors) and see how they are.  It’s very easy to go in to complete shutdown but a friendly voice is always welcome.  For a change, you won’t be discussing the weather (but it’s going to get sunnier over the weekend -phew) but you can compare food shopping experiences i.e. no food, no loo rolls and have a good all whinge about that!  You could discuss rationing even!

Several of our members live on their own so a phone call can mean a lot and keeps that sense of togetherness.

Get out for some fresh air – the spring flowers and blossoms are coming out and look stunning.  Stay off public transport and keep 2 metres from the nearest person to protect both you and them.

Send me any other suggestions.

I could look at putting some quiz questions up .  My work and pay have been cut by 20% so should have some more time next week.


As of Monday 16th March at 8.30 pm, the Club is now CLOSED until further notice

It is not entirely a surprise and we had hoped we could stay open a little longer, but with the government’s announcement this afternoon, we have decided to close the Club and help prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

Please still carry on with the handwashing, antibacterial gel and be very alert if you develop a new dry persistent cough and a temperature.

For those of you living alone and having to self-isolate, please contact us if you need any shopping done, prescriptions collected or dogs walked.


I will keep this site and our Facebook page updated and will let you know of any changes.

Thanks for your support throughout the indoor season – it has been great up until now!  Thanks to Ange for stepping up to help with match meals, I couldn’t have done it without her support and willingness to feed you all!

Laurence, the indoor commitee and I wish you well and hope to see you outdoors after Easter at some point.



Club Leagues & All Mixed Friendly Matches Cancelled

Sadly we have had to take the decision not to run any more league matches this season.  David Hale has contacted all the team captains to this effect.  He will calculate the season’s winning teams based on the matches played up to Friday 13th March.  From his reaction today, I believe Kevin K is quite delighted!

Club Friendlies have all been cancelled too.

We are sorry that this will prevent some of you bowling but we feel the health of our members is paramount.  Currently the club is open for roll ups should you wish to come along, at your own risk.

The Board meet tomorrow (Monday) and we will update on any further decisions by them tomorrow afternoon/evening.  The Cambridge Park Facebook page will also have the latest information.

In the meantime, please keep up the hand washing and antibacterial gel (if you have some), self isolate for 7 days if you develop a new, persistent dry cough and a temperature.  If any members self-isolating live on your own and need help with shopping etc.,  please contact us.

It’s a difficult time for all of us, not just bowlers.  At least this hasn’t happened in October and we can now enjoy some brighter and slightly warmer days ahead.  Take a walk around the block if you can to get some fresh air if you’repermitted – don’t sit down all day, unless you’re very unsteady on your feet.  Keep thinking positively, keep smiling and keep singing or start singing if you didn’t before.  It really does make you feel better.  Phone a friend – it can help fight loneliness for both people.


Sunday 15th March – Mixed Friendly v BT – Cancelled

I am sorry but we have had to cancel this Sunday’s friendly match.

I emailed those selected to play asking them if they were happy to play or whether they felt they would be at risk bearing in mind the Worldwide outbreaks of Coronavirus and the guidelines from the UK government.  As quite a few chose not to play, I decided it would be safer to cancel this match and we will continue to monitor the situation day by day, week by week.  A decision on whether the Egham match on Wednesday 18th will go ahead will be made on Monday.

We know that we all need regular exercise and social contact with are vital for everybody.  However, if you show any symptoms such as a new ‘dry’ cough and temperature or know that your immune system is not 100%, we recommend that you stay at home and self isolate for 7 days or longer.  Your health is more important than bowling.

The Board is discussing the best plan for the safety and welfare of club members as we know several will come under the ‘vulnerable’ bracket.  We will post updates but for the timebeing we will follow the government and EIBA guidelines ie

Regular washing of hands

Use of Alcohol based hand sanitiser

Coughing or sneezing into tissues which are then immediately placed into a bin

Don’t touch your face unless hands have been washed

Members who develop symptoms such as a new (dry) cough or temperature should self-isolate for 7 days.

Thoroughly wipe your bowls before and after use

Please break the habit of shaking hands before and after games – this is so difficult as we all do it automatically!

If any of you live alone and are self-isolating and cannot get to the shops, please contact Dawn.

The latest information from the EIBA is under a separate post.