Author: Dawn Slaughter

Tuesday Morning and the Sun is Shining – Hooray!

I don’t think I posted this after my Saturday walk but Trevor our groundsman has been spending a lot of the winter sorting out the tree roots that were poking up in the green.  As you can see, he’s added a bit of colour with the flags.  Nice touch!

I spoke to Jim Parker.  He loves his bungalow in Rustington.  His family live nearby and are delivering food parcels to his doorstep along with a neighbour from the local church, where he was attending their Sunday lunches and is looking forward to those starting up again.  He sends his love to everyone and he misses us and the banter.  He also misses his weekly coffee and cake with Reg and Ron C – both of whom are well.

When we’re all let out again, he is hoping to join one of the two local outdoor clubs.  He says he wouldn’t be able to travel up to London again but if anyone finds themselves down his way, we can let him know.

The Hampton BC crew have their own WhatsApp group and are keeping in touch that way.  Many are tucked away because of underlying health issues but all are well.

Both Strawberry Hill and NPL are all keeping in touch.  I had a long email from Jeanett who seems to be on a big spring clean and tidy up.  I think I might have to borrow her later in the summer!  Wilma and the French’s seem to be decorating.  Let us know what else you are up to?

On a personal note, one of my work colleagues has gone into ICU overnight.  He is being well looked after but if you can spare some positive thoughts to go to him, his wife and his young family, I would really appreciate it.

We are stronger together!

Keep handwashing, keep laughing – remember when Bernard removed his stickers when guesting for an opposing team and he sent up two wrong biases?  Joan, tut tutted and went over and put stickers on his bowls.  It’s a shame she put them on the wrong sides and he did two more wrong biases before someone sorted him out!  Still makes me laugh!




News from Former Members

2nd Monday of Lockdown.  I hope it starts to warm up a bit, it was jolly cold over the weekend.  Four seasons in four hours in some places!  We are living in a weird world indeed.


We saw Andrew Taylor when the County tour took us to Sussex at the beginning of March.  He is well and enjoying his retirement playing indoors at Wealden and both he and his wife playing at Crowborough during the outdoor season.  He was pleased to see us all, although he had caught up with Laurence and Chris Yelland when Middlesex played Sussex in February.  He sent best wishes to everyone at the Club.

Angie Streetly is in lockdown in Wales – lockdown with Robs and a whole host of chickens and geese which are keeping her well occupied.  They are both well.  She says it’s very quiet and peaceful as the usual array of farm vehicles transporting beet and sheep (presumably independently!) are not around.  Angie keeps up with the CP news from the Facebook page, so do give her a wave if you see her on there!

Gary Cope is on lockdown in Cornwall with his wife, Tom his son, son’s girlfriend and dog, so he says it’s very useful when playing board games and the dog is getting plenty of exercise.  He is awaiting a new hip which is obviously postponed.  He didn’t make the Nationals at Nottingham this year (even if they hadn’t been postponed) but was defending the County Fours title.  His last birthday now entitles him to enter “old fart” (his words not mine) competitions.  Despite the hip, he played a bit of badminton and has volunteered at the Bodmin and Wenford railway and is loving being a trainee signalman!  On a sadder note, his Mum passed away in January.  His aunt will be 97 in July and is determined to get to 100 and a “telegram” from Her Majesty so is very positive! Gary also keeps up with CP news on FB – so don’t be shy in posting info on there.


On another sad note, my aunt – Dorrie Duncan – passed away peacefully at her care home last Tuesday a couple of months short of her 95th birthday.  Elwyn and Dorrie used to run the Saturday EVENING leagues at Cambridge Park.  Wow, that will be a blast from the past for some of you!  Elwyn and Dorrie were members at Isleworth BC and held many positions on the committees there as well as at CP.  They were both excellent bowlers.  Please spare a thought for Wendy and Lynda, her daughters.  Wendy managed to spend Monday afternoon with Dorrie chatting and playing Elwyn’s records as her body slowly shut down.  When you lose your Mum, it’s devastating and I ask you to send a virtual hug Wendy & Lynda’s way.  Needless to say, arrangements for the funeral are somewhat difficult.


The CP phone-a-friend-a-day seems to be working.  You are all brilliant at keeping in touch with each other.  Keep on with this.  We’re in for a bit of a long haul with the lock down but we’ll do it!



PS  Ange is going to start shouting instructions at me for the benefit of all of you for when we get outside.  We’ll let you know when this goes live!

Thinking Ahead to the New Season Whenever it Happens

We had an email from Bowls Direct yesterday, normally based at Wey Vallley IBC.  Like many small (and large) business, they are also fighting for survival so if you were thinking of getting any requirements ready for when the green opens, they are offering a discount on orders made before the end of August.

In light of recent events. We would like to offer your members a 10% discount on all of our products (excluding bowls) with FREE Postage on all orders over £40.00.

Please visit and use discount code – BOWLS1 in the coupon section when checking out online.

This offer will be continuous throughout the summer until the end of August.

As you know we are a family business and like so many small businesses, this is extremely worrying times and so would really appreciate if you can please forward this email to your members.

Thank you for your support and we wish you, your family and your members to stay safe and healthy and hopefully normality will ensue in the not too distant future.

Kind Regards

Chris, Pete, Alison and Emma Young.

Bowlswear Direct

01483 536337

Follow us now on Facebook for Special Offers and Details of New Products

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

…. That floats on high o’er vale and hill

And through the CP gate I saw a crowd

A great display of daffodils!

Well done to Margaret B who planted these bulbs in the autumn.  The spring flowers haven’t ‘gone over’ as I thought they might have done over the last week.

Linda M planted out the tubs by the shed with this result. Thanks  to  both  of  them.

Sockgate and Fruit/Veg Boxes

Sorry for the delay as I’m sure the excitement has been building up over the last few days!  Will she/ won’t she?

Despite the mounting excitement, first there’s something much more useful for you if you’re unable to get out.

Nadine has let us know that  are putting together fruit, veg, salad boxes and they will deliver locally.  Prices start from £22.00.  Nadine said they’re excellent and she has been buying flowers from them for years if you want to add something else to cheer yourself up.

 Essential Fruit & Veg Box   This is a sample of their essential Fruit/Veg box at £25.00.  There’s enough for 3-6 people but cooking and freezing casseroles and stews makes it a versatile and healthy option if htere are less than 3 staying at home.

Thanks, Nadine.  That’s really helpful information.  Anyone have any other good local suppliers who we could help keep in business?  Email me with their details so I can post them on here.

Send recipes too!



And now  for the boring bit.  My sock/underwear draw looks much better.  I know there are still too many, but I did throw a lot out!   Even now, the end result probably means I do not have to put socks etc in the wash more than once a month.  How did that happen?!

I suppose the cupboard under the stairs must be on the list for another day.  Aaargh!  Don’t worry,  you’ll be spared.

Stay safe.  Keep hand washing.  Take that vital bit of fresh air/exercise each day and don’t forget to phone a friend.


PS  Anyone with their bowls at home tried target bowling down the hall or anywhere?

Bowls England – YouTube

Received this notification recently so some of you might be interested in signing up as it will help while away another few hours!


News release – Friday 27th March 2020

 Note to County Administrators: Please circulate widely


Bowls England has today launched its own YouTube channel as part of its commitment to inform and entertain its members.

YouTube will provide Bowls England with a one stop shop for all its multimedia content where you will find the ‘Extra End’ Podcast, ‘Keep Active’ videos and other audio-visual content.

To receive notification when any new content is uploaded, simply subscribe to the Bowls England channel by visiting:

Cheese on Toast Anyone?


Good to hear everyone (or nearly everyone) clapping last night.  My flat is in a higgeldy piggeldy complex so the balcony looks over part of a communal garden and the front door is over some of the garages.  There were a few of us looking over the back and clapping but then I went to see if any of the neighbours were out the other side.  Just one.  However, the carer for the retired priest opposite was just leaving on her bike, so the other chap and I clapped her as she cycled off yelling thank you through her mask!  These people are so important to us and we can’t thank them enough.

I was chatting to Ange and reminiscing on those panic-stricken weekends with the match food during the indoor season.  She had been to Costco in the afternoon and bought some food to cook and stock up her freezer.  She said the store was well organised and there was a good supply of food, so …..

…. if anyone is sick to death of cheese on toast for the umpteenth day on the trot and would fancy a homemade Cottage Pie, she will make up individual portions at her home and deliver one to you, leaving it on the doorstep safely wrapped.  Of course if all 200 members immediately stick their hands up, we will have a problem!  However, I know some of you living on your own may like something home cooked for a change and Ange is a good cook, so please email or ring me and between us, we will see what we can organise.  We think we could do this once a week if we’re allowed to do so.  Minimal cost – to be sorted when we’ve all been let out to roam free.

Even if you’re fine for food and deliveries (Ange, Scott, Suzy & I can still help – again if we’re allowed to), don’t forget to phone-a-friend-a-day.  Remember the BT slogan “It’s good to talk!” not the other one “I’ll get your mother”!


Oh, roll on the outdoor season but I hope come June/ July it doesn’t start raining!



8.00 pm- Open a Window/Door and We’ll Clap our Support for the NHS

Where would we be without the NHS at any time but particularly now?

Warm your hands up, get a pan and a wooden spoon, anything that makes a noise and at 8.00 pm, let’s stand by our doors and windows and share our support for the NHS, for all the support workers, for pharmacies, for drivers, for family, friends, neighbours and everyone who is helping us get through this time.  We are definitely stronger together despite being physically distancing!

Photo courtesty of TimeOut.



YouTube – Singing – DIY Tasks


Another lovely sunny day out there but as  you might be restricted to just opening a window, you  might need some other info to help fill the hours.

If you haven’t looked at YouTube, then it holds a wealth of information from numerous DIY tasks to Singing and Bowls as well as a wealth of other useful information and learning skills.  It’s not just vidoes of pop songs.

My schoolfriend alerted me to Gareth Malone’s Home Choir which started up on Monday.  I’ve now registered but missed the first two sessions, so will need to catch up later.  5.30 pm daily.

You can either go straight to or type Gareth Malone’s Home Choir in your Google/Bing/Exporer search box.  You need to register with a first name and email address and tick the email box – or you won’t be able to complete the reigstration – unsubscribe at a later date.  My friend said it was brilliant.  A lot of fun and singing makes you feel better however badly you think you sing!

Also on YouTube, you will find videos of World Bowls Championships over the years – and that magical shot Nicky Brett made this year.


PS  I haven’t re-organised my sock drawer – saving it for the weekend!  John Quinn, who hosts our website, emailed to say he has 20 identical pairs of black socks, so he doesn’t need to re-organise it!  Maybe I should just go for 20 pairs white socks then?


Socks and Social Distancing

Where is this going?  Well, I woke up at 3.00 am and all I could think of was socks!  I’m guessing this is because my sock draw needs sorting.  When it boils down to it I really only need white socks, because under normal circumstances, I would be bowling 5 times a week so I might as well wear white socks for the other two days, unless I’m wearing a skirt!

So, following the “Stay at Home” orders last night, this would be a good time to sort out the sock drawer, wouldn’t it?  When we get back to normal, ask me if I’ve done it!  As someone commented yesterday, all those “I haven’t got time” excuses have now gone right out of the window!

I know several of you will be on lockdown for 12 weeks whereas a lot of us might only have to do this for 3 weeks.  Everyone we’ve spoken to so far is in good health and all have said family members are keeping in contact and the neighbours have been wonderful doing the shopping and checking up.  However, the whole business can seem overwhelming at times to each of us and we get frightened.  It’s normal human instinct.  Pick up a phone and ring someone else and chat about anything.  It really helps get things back into perspective.

If the 3-weekers all follow the guidelines we’ve been given, you never know, it might reduce the 12 weeks into less.  Check out this graph courtesy of Global News.  We need to do this for everyone.  Our families all need to do this too.  This is being positive and going forward.

Stay safe.  Keep hand washing (nag, nag, nag!) and keep smiling, talking and sharing.  (If you can check out our Facebook page, I’m copying across various bowls videos and on bits and pieces on there.)
