Author: Dawn Slaughter

Getting Creative!

I was looking out for the predicted pink moon last night but apparently it wasn’t visible in the UK, or in London anyway, due to the clouds.  I was hoping to get a stunning photo but it wasn’t to be!

Now on to photos, Laurence has been baking – Barbara P watch out as you have a competitive rock cake baker – and they look good enough to eat!  It’s a very conservative recipe with only four, but, hey, that’s better for the waistlines which are quite possibly expanding throughout the lockdown.

Laurence’s Rock Cakes

Mike C has been loving the time he has to put work in on his garden.  He has an affinity for Bonsai and when I joked about him cutting the grass with nail scissors, maybe I wasn’t afar off!   Tina sent over this photo of the Bonsai Apple Tree Mike has been tending.  It is only 2 feet tall.   Isn’t it fantastic?

Mike Cooper’s Bonsai Apple Tree

Meanwhile, down on the allotment – sounds like an ad for Gardeners’ World, Stella has been digging and digging.  Having now brought up all the carrots and eaten those, she has turned the ground over for the next lot of planting – onions, after spreading manure – phewee!.  She joked she needed a glass of wine last night after all that work – very well deserved, I should think!


Stella’s Allotment

From her Facebook post, Stella said there is plenty of blossom on the plum tree and the bees from the nearby hives are very active.  There were quite a few busy bees around the bushes in our communal garden this morning.  I’m trying to find out how Val F’s bees are doing and whether we shall able to buy some of her honey later on in the year.

Ange wants to know the trick of how to plant one tomato seed in a pot and not get four because they’re stuck to her fingers.  She is also growing chillies.

Ann and Archie are getting to know every path, shrub and tree in Crane Park and have put some pretty photos on their Facebook page.

Keep us updated on what you’re all doing – it’s really good to see so many things going on.  We’re expecting a re-match from Jean and Norman on garden bowls at the weekend.  Are any others with a garden having a go at a challenge?  We’re a get-up-and-go club so don’t be shy, let’s have a good share of activities!

If you don’t want to respond via this post, just send me an email and I can keep everyone up to date.


PS  Keep handwashing, keep smiling and don’t forget to phone-a-friend-a-day!

Vic P, Your Club & Your County Need You!

What, what, what?  You may ask.   Well here goes….

Several (ok 99.9% of us) now have some time on our hands.  So, what a great opportunity to put the little grey cells to work after the crosswords, sudokus, word searches and codewords!

Check out the link above.

Barry M now of Southport has recently qualified and I’m sure we can pick his brains if needed or send me any questions you may have and we’ll compile a list for Vic and his merry men and girls – Mandy, Jacquie E, Marie, Angela, Wanda – the list goes on.

If you want to listen to more bowls’ discussions etc, go and find the Bowls England podcasts “The Extra End”.  The first one was an interview with Tony Allcock who has just stepped down as CEO of Bowls England – some of you may have seen on the judges bench at Crufts.

This week Sian Honnor chats to Bowls England’s High Performance Director John McGuinness regarding his new role and other matters.  You need to join with an email address but it will be worth it.

(Copy and paste the above URL if the link doesn’t work properly)  You’re looking for “The Extra End”

Tonight, Matthew, I’m going to be…  No, I’m not going to be anyone else but I am going to decide how to dress up my third consecutive dinner portion of Bolognese sauce.  Might be tempted to add kidney beans and a dash of chillies.  Oh, the excitement!


What Happened to the Sun this Morning?

There was I thinking I might do a bit of gardening therapy at lunchtime in my break, but woke up to grey skies and light drizzle!  Oh well, we can’t have perfect weather every day or several people will be out not-quite-physical-distancing.

I went out around 5.00 pm last night and along the river towards East Twickenham and it wasn’t too bad – apart from swerving in and out of the road to avoid family groups, small children on bikes and scooters etc.  I gather the area by Richmond Bridge was pretty crowded on Saturday.  Isn’t it difficult?  If it’s in walking distance, it’s a pretty place to go but hopeless if 500 people go at the same time!

Kevin K has been in touch with the Hampton BC crowd (58+!!) and all seem to be doing well.  None of them have climbed the walls yet and those that can get out for walks are doing so.  Richard D has taken up indoor bowls on his 2m rug but at the moment is being beaten by his wife (at the bowls!).

Richard H and Geraldine replied to Kevin:  “All’s ok at this end.  Essential supplies are holding out not hitting the holiday mistakes just yet (every booze cabinet has them!).”

So Kevin has come up with a brilliant suggestion for a welcome back party.  Everyone has at least one bottle of drink in their cocktail cabinet which was fine when drunk in the warm sun of a far away destination, but tastes dreadful in the UK.  Bring the bottle down to the Cambridge Park welcome back party (when we’re allowed to) and make up some cocktails.  Great idea.  I have some Kumquat Liqueur –  I didn’t try it in Greece but it sounded nice.  It didn’t even work in trifle unfortunately.  So  root around in the cocktail cabinet and find and name the bottle you’ll be bringing so people can think up some recipe for cocktails.

Keep handwashing and don’t forget to phone a friend.  As well as Kevin K, Brian N, Terry, Norman and Ange are getting round quite a few members.  Gerry, George, Bernard and Joan say hello!

Ange is still offering to deliver a portion of Cottage Pie or something if you’re in need of a home cooked meal.


Lockdown Madness – from Bob & Frances D

Just be careful because people are going crazy from being in lock down!

Actually I’ve just been talking about this with the microwave and toaster while drinking coffee and we all agreed that things are getting bad. I didn’t mention anything to the washing machine as she puts a different spin on everything. Certainly not to the fridge as he is acting cold and distant. In the end the iron straightened me out as she said everything will be fine, no situation is too pressing. The vacuum was very unsympathetic… told me to just suck it up, but the fan was more optimistic and hoped it would all soon blow over! The toilet looked a bit flushed when I asked its opinion and didn’t say anything but the door knob told me to get a grip.? The front door said I was unhinged and so the curtains told me to ……..yes, you guessed it ?…..pull myself together !!!

Thanks, Bob & Frances – your sense of humour is still very much intact!

Has any one popped over to the Cambridge Park Facebook page today?  Great video of the Norman & Jean garden bowls challenge!

Check your diary.  If you haven’t got anything scheduled, why not phone a friend?  It’ll make you feel better as well as them!  You can talk about the weather too.

It’s the Weekend!

Old Saturday mornings.  Good for washing, housework, baking, nipping to the supermarket and checking out your kit for the afternoon game.

Current Saturday mornings.  You can do all of the above, although nipping out to the supermarket can take a while by the time you’ve queued.  I haven’t been to Sainsbury’s for 3 weeks.  Considering I was in there almost every other day, I’m surprised there hasn’t been an email to say they’ve missed me!  Mind you, neither Ange nor I are catering for matches so that’s left plenty of chicken and pudding rice for others.  Checking kit out is still possible but just to make sure it hasn’t got any dust settling.  Bowls could still be polished if you have them at home.

Norman, Stella and Nadine are keeping up their baking skills.  Jean is practising bowls in the garden and has set Norman a challenge.  Mike C has been out tending his lawn – cutting, spiking and tining.  I gather Trevor is doing something similar at the club this morning.  The Cambridge Park green is going to be in great condition for when we eventually get out there.  Getting impatient now but it’s not due to open for another 4 weeks even if we weren’t in lockdown.

I belong to a few groups on Facebook.  This was posted one of them and thought it might amuse you.

A friend went to Beijing recently (2014) and was given this brochure by the hotel. It is precious.
She is keeping it and reading it whenever she feels depressed. Obviously, it has been translated directly, word for word from Mandarin to English.

“Getting There:
Our representative will make you wait at the airport. The bus to the hotel runs along the lake shore. Soon you will feel pleasure in passing water. You will know that you are getting near the hotel, because you will go round the bend. The manager will await you in the entrance hall. He always tries to have intercourse with all new guests.

“The Hotel:
This is a family hotel, so children are very welcome. We of course are always pleased to accept adultery. Highly skilled nurses are available in the evenings to put down your children. Guests are invited to conjugate in the bar and expose themselves to others. But please note that ladies are not allowed to have babies in the bar. We organize social games, so no guest is ever left alone to play with them self.

“The Restaurant:
Our menus have been carefully chosen to be ordinary and unexciting. At dinner, our quartet will circulate from table to table, and fiddle with you.

“Your Room:
Every room has excellent facilities for your private parts. In winter, every room is on heat. Each room has a balcony offering views of outstanding obscenity! .. You will not be disturbed by traffic noise, since the road between the hotel and the lake is used only by pederasts.

Your bed has been made in accordance with local tradition. If you have any other ideas please ring for the chambermaid. Please take advantage of her. She will be very pleased to squash your shirts, blouses and underwear. If asked, she will also squeeze your trousers.

“Above All:
When you leave us at the end of your holiday, you will have no hope. You will struggle to forget it.”


Today is, um er, Tuesday? No? Um, Friday?!

It’s tricky keeping a track of the days isn’t it?  Can you measure them by the number of jigsaws completed?  Number of books read?  What are you reading?  I’ve been recommended to try Ken Follett books.

At the moment I’m delving into The Secret Diary of Henrik Groen aged 83 and a 1/4.  It’s hilarious.

On the music front, I’ve listed to The Glory of Gershwin which celebrates Gershwin’s music sung/performed by a wild variety of artists and Larry Adler’s 80th birthday so there are harmonica solos on each – he was definitely very talented.  For the last two nights on my daily walk, I’ve played Robbie Williams’ Swing While You’re Winning – some great classics and some different songs.  Although when that finished it moved on to another album and You’ll Never Walk Alone played.  I tried to sing it out loud, but couldn’t.  It was just too emotional at that particular point in time.  My colleague is still fighting for his life in ICU.

Good to see Norman making his scones last night.  Stella whipped up a dozen muffins – check out our Facebook page.

David H is well so is Corale, although is finding being unable to ramble except around her living room a bit boring.  Ron L is ok and looking after his wife.  Their neighbours are doing some shopping for them.  Spoke to Gym yesterday.  He was doing emergency plumbing and was not finding it very easy to say the least!  Gym, Gerry and Reg have been going to the old-codgers’ supermarket shopping sessions.  Food seems to be ok but if you’re struggling to get out, please let me know.

Let me know any book/music recommendations.  It’s good to share now that we have to time to read and listen.


News from Aldwick in West Sussex

Morning everyone!

A couple of things – Ange suggested Ann Macey take up a Social Evening Organiser role in her retirement.  It may be for four evenings during the indoor season and an odd one or two during the summer (when we get to it!).  Any other ideas yet?

I’ve set Norman C a challenge on our Facebook page if you want to pop over and have a look.  It would be a shame not to use that lovely accessory he has!

Then onto the subject heading.

John & Sheila Stocker are former indoor members of Cambridge Park and outdoors at Hampton BC with happy memories from both.  They moved to Aldwick in 2001 and are still playing bowls. Sheila was in their club’s Yetton team this season.  Both are well and, like many other members, have been out tending their garden, but need plants for summer colours – are Garden Centres doing home deliveries?  Has anybody tried yet?  Any suggestions?  It’s probably easier if you know what you want to order of course.

John & Sheila say “Stay safe and stay well everyone.”

“Action is the antidote to anxiety” was the strapline from a webinar I was on yesterday.

I’m not an expert but I am human and had a rough night last night.  Anxiety often hits during the night when it’s not easy to phone-a-friend, so turn on some music (not a radio news station).  Alexa/Amazon has a “Sleep well” station which is very calming and I’m sure there are others.  If that doesn’t work try something else like reading or making a cup of tea, write a letter.  If you do something “normal”, it can help reduce the stress and put your feet back on the ground.  One of my colleagues emptied all his kitchen cupboards and cleaned them at 2.00 am.  Gosh, is that normal??!   Phone a friend during the day time – and keep washing those hands !


20 C on Sunday????

Well that would be good, wouldn’t it?  We could all do with a bit of warmth following on from the cold winds this week.

I had an email from Barry and Amanda up in sunny Southport.  They are both well and said hi to everyone and to stay safe.  Barry qualified as a Bowls Umpire last month, which is great.  We may be able to persuade him to come down and do our Finals Day at some point.

Obviously the house purchase is now on very slow progress and it will need some work before they can move in.  Once there, Barry will be donning his Station Master’s Cap and setting up his very complex train set.  All aboard!

31st March and Ann Macey Has Retired!

Congratulations to Ann on reaching retirement following on from years of employment at M&S.

Although currently in lockdown with Terry (golly gosh!), she has asked if we can come up with some new hobbies and skills.  I suggested Match Caterer but she says she only does cold food!  I have that in black-and-white text so that could come in useful!

So, what do you suggest she can do?  Clean answers via the link on the website or to