Author: Dawn Slaughter

Better Late than Never!

Apologies if you logged on earlier.  It’s been somewhat manic at work, so taking a quick break for lunch now.

Following on from yesterday’s post, thanks to Shiley O and Ann D, if you Google “Love of Scrubs YouTube”,  you should see various tutorials on making drawstring bags, headbands and ‘scrubs’ if you have the abiity to do any of those.  If you are struggling to find fabric elastic or buttons etc, please let me know.

Pop over to our Facebook page and you’ll see that Norman & Jean are trying to compete in the 2020 Olympics in their back garden!  It was hockey yesterday.

I see Captain Tom is up to just over £13.5 million for the NHS.  Brilliant that the support is there from thousands of people.

Not everyone can give financial support because of various circumstances, but tonight at 8.00 pm, you can join us in applauding the NHS, the carers, the support staff and key workers all putting themselves in the front line for the nation’s benefit.  It’s such an emotional thing but maybe because we’re doing it together for others.

In the meantime please stay safe, stay well and save the NHS!


Local Challenge?

I was listening to the radio this morning about Captain John and his 100 mile walk around his garden for the NHS to coincide with his 100th birthday.  His original £1,000 target  was surpassed when he was interviewed on Good Morning Sunday on Radio 2 and his daughter was interviewed on Chris Evans’ Virgin Radio Breakfast Show this morning and the total has now soared to over £5 million – how amazing is that?

Three and a bit weeks into the lockdown and the networking and support between us has been really, really good and we need to keep this up.

BUT, can we now do something for others in our community?  Ange has offered to cook and deliver a portion (or two portions) of Lasagne for delivery on Sunday for £1.50 for any of the members who would like one.  If you don’t want one, is there a(n) NHS worker in your road that might like a portion of home cooked food once a week?

Do you know anyone in a local care home?  Can we do anything to help them?  My sister-in-law in North Yorkshire is involved in a scheme for making drawstring bags into which medical scrubs can be ‘stuffed’ (for want of a better word) after a shift, then the whole bag goes into the washing machine.  I spoke to a consultant paediatrician I know and she said at the hospitals the scrubs are taken on and off and washed at the hospital but she thought local care homes might find them useful.  Have you got a sewing machine?  If I get dimensions, is this something some of you could do?  There might be some curtains in the club shop that could be cut up.  Please give me some feedback on this and any other suggestions.

Bags for Scrubs!

We can always invite NHS and key workers down to enjoy an Open Day at the club when lockdown is lifted, but is there anything practical we can do to help them now?  We are helping considerably by Staying in, Staying Safe and Saving the NHS, so that is excellent.  I think maybe we could help further?

Please let me know



PS  Don’t forget to phone-a-friend-a-day and wash those hands – Happy Birthday ……!

PS – Lasagne

Ange has had an order for Lasagne and will deliver individual portions to your door next Sunday 19th April – all hygienically prepared and cooked and wrapped – for £1.50 per portion.

Please let Ange or me know if you would like a portion.


Des and Scott have agreed to giving a presentation on their Trip of a Lifetime to Africa when our social evenings start up again.  Hooray!



Another Budding Artist in our Midst!

Kevin K has been doing his weekly round of buddy catch ups – thank you.

Chris Sq is out in Carlisle Park most days and is keeping an eye on how the Hampton BC green is coming along.

Katharine W was a bit concerned when she though Brian C said he’d dug up bodies in his garage.  What he actually said was he’d dug out boules in the garage!  Polish them off Brian, we can see a challenge emerging.  Katharine is “wandering lonely as a cloud” admiring the blossoms.  They are fantastic at the moment.

Dave W and wife are fine although sadly lost a friend to the virus this week.  Please uphold the family in your thoughts.

Hang on to your hats.  Richard H is thinking of cleaning his car.  I don’t know Richard that well, but Kevin said it’s a big deal!

Meanwhile, Steve Harbud – well what can I say?  He’s been picking up on his artwork and thinks he’ll be getting his guitar out and writing some more songs.  Brilliant!

by Steve Harbud

Former member Chris Nelhams is catching up on illustrated name orders – see his FB page.

Kevin himself has rejoined his St Mary’s Youth Club – well the WhatsApp Saga version anyway.  Good to reconnect.  I spoke to my boss from Oakley Fabrics last night.  We used to supply fabrics and components for soft toys then artist bears.  I had 15 wonderful years making and designing bears and attending Bear Fairs all over the country (now you know I really am weird) but all that stuffing and jointing affected my neck so had to give it up.  My boss retired some 14 years ago.

For those of you not on Facebook, I took my daily walk down and around to the Club and back last night.  All is looking good for when we’re released from lockdown.

Easter Monday 2
Easter Monday 1


Easter Monday – get the Heating Back on!

Gee, that wind was whipping up this morning, wasn’t it.  My heating kicked in – 23p spent on gas before 9.00 am.  I can’t make up my mind if Smart Meters are a good or bad thing!

On my way back through Syon Park, I stopped and recorded the bird song at about 7 pm.  I don’t think I can upload it on here, but it was amazing.  Loads of people say they’ve heard the birds singing.  With one runway closed at Heathrow and planes few and far between, the birds are really singing their hearts out and not coughing!  You may have to turn the volume up.

Near the London Apprentice, there were two geese with six or seven goslings launching themselves into the water, their parents giving very vocal warnings to stay clear!  There’s a short video on my personal Facebook if you wanted to take a look.

How are you all getting on with sorting out?  I went through a pile of food magazines yesterday and really wished I’d added black olives, anchovies and pine nuts to my shopping – there are some great recipes out there based on the Mediterranean Diet.

Anyway, as a result, I have a pile of Good Food etc which I will be recycling as I won’t remember which recipes I liked and used which I can’t find online now.  I will keep some though.

I also sorted through a pile of photographs both printed ones and on my phone.  Remember the excitement of finishing a roll of film and taking it in to be processed, then having to wait a week for it to come back.  How many fuzzy flops were there?  Digital photography has certainly made it easier for us to just delete any rubbish shots immediately.  On the other hand we take thousands more photos and the sorting out takes considerably longer!

Ange, Des and Scott returned from their “holiday of a lifetime” in Africa in March.  Des and Scott took thousands of photos as they were on safari and saw many wild animals, stayed in camps and had a brilliant guide who enhanced the experiences.  I wonder if they might put an evening’s entertainment together? Not exactly a Jam & Jerusalem evening although I don’t have any problem with singing Jerusalem at any time and I’m sure Margaret B can provide some jam!  Let me know what you think?  Ann M is almost being persuaded to organise some social evenings – maybe one to consider?

Stay safe and well.  Keep up the handwashing and remember to phone-a-friend.  Laurence spoke to Brian C now in Kingston Hospital and his recovery is progressing well, so very good news on that front.


PS  John D thanked everyone for the birthday wishes.  He is another one that frequents the Woodlands Garden in Bushy Park – we could end up with half the club in there!  Take some photos as the spring flowers must be stunning.


John Dilley – Another Birthday??

A song from a little bird  told me we need to say belated Happy 70th Birthday to John Dilley!  I was going to say you kept that quiet but everyone is having a quiet birthday at the moment.  I know it probably didn’t have the cake, jelly and firewords you had planned but hope you can celebrate later in the year.

Brenda D is busy in her garden whilst Corale is trying to ramble around hers – bit difficult but it’s fresh air.  I wonder how many laps Corale would have to do to complete the number of steps in a normal Saturday ramble?   Answers on a postcard!

Corale sent on some funnies she had received which she thought you all might like

  1. This morning I saw a neighbour talking to her cat.  It was obvious she thought the cat understood her.  I came into my house, told my dog … we laughed a lot!
  2. My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfectant lately that when I pee, it cleans the toilet
  3. I’m so excited, it’s time to take the rubbish out.  What shall I wear?


A per pro 4, I think it’s in Australia that people are dressing up in evening wear or fancy dress to put their rubbish out.  Maybe we could try that too?

Any of you doing an Easter Egg Hunt for partner or family?  Having a go at hiding the eggs then Zoom the family to see if they can spot them, so  you can collect and eat them?  Think I may have lost the plot on that one!

In amongst the fun and laughter which is essential to getting through this together,  we also need to stay positive, so please could you send your thoughts and prayers towards my company’s Financial Director who has been in ICU for a fortnight but has now been put into an induced coma and ventilated.  This is the fantastic NHS giving his body a rest and the best chance of coming through.  He’s tough and determined he’s not going to beaten by this virus and even yesterday sent a text “…. another day in Paradise”.  He has never lost his sense of humour throughout.  It’s hard for us as we’re a small family business but my boss the directors and his accounts team in particular need to be helped to stay strong for Issy, his wife and two teenage boys and the family.  Thanks


Saturday 6.18 am. The Sun was Up and the Birds were Singing Away

Actually I hadn’t intended to get up that early although Sounds of the Sixties with Tony Blackburn had automatically clicked on at 6.00 am.  Anyone else like that Radio 2 show?  It’s good to lie there and listen to the music and the 60s humour.

“I bought my wife a fridge for her birthday.  You should have seen her face light up when she opened it”.

Well, I thought it was funny!

My phone beeped but didn’t look at it until after 6.30 am.  The office alarm had triggered and the Chairman is in 12 week lockdown, so I went to sort it.  BT Line fault at 3.10 am – glad he didn’t text then!

If you haven’t seen the update on Brian C, he spoke to both Jane and Terry on the phone yesterday and it is intended to move him to Kingston Hospital this week.  He is taking calls, but best if you contact Jane or Terry to see if there’s a good time to ring him.

It’s a glorious morning again and having spoken to some of you yesterday, you’re busy beavering away in your gardens.  There are going to be some wonderful displays in the summer and I hope we’ll all be able to see them.

Bushy Park seeems to be a popular place for the daily walk or cycle.  I know a couple of you have seen each other and yelled across a 2m physical distance.   Crane Park is also popular for those more in the Whitton area.  As you know from my  FB photos, I can either walk through Syon Park to Brentford Lock or go the other way along with river path towards Richmond.  Many of us are very fortunate that we can get out for daily exercise.  I am sorry if you are still in strict lockdown.  You are safe and that is the main thing.  If you feel lonely, then please pick up the phone and ring me or another member.  Texting is fine, but it’s good to talk.

Norman has done another video – this time he set up a golf course in the garden with various spectators.  Unfortunately the file is too large to put on here but pop over to his or the Cambridge Park Facebook page and you should be able to see it.  I wonder if he’s missed his vocation!

Bob was mending an under-sink leak and Frances was gardening yesterday, as was Ronnie W and Joan O’N, who is going to be overtaken by rhubarb for months as it is growing so well.  Rhubarb used to be used as a purge around Shakespeare’s time, but eating too much is not good for your system so I hope we can help Joan out later on.

Jeanett and Wilma are both well and the NPL network is in good form.   Jeanett said she and Wilma were playing a game -both bought new hoovers – a Shark and a Miele – and both are holding out so they are not the first to open the box.  You see what happens when you spend a lot of time indoors?!  Laurence has his “Felicity” cleaning his flat – she trundles off all on her own around the furniture then takes herself back to the docking station.  Technology can be marvellous!

Dick & Di are enjoying their garden and are catching up on reading.  Any book recommendations out there?

Pat and Barbara are in regular contact and said hello, as do George, Gerry and Reg!  Sheila & John Stocker (see earlier post) play at Pagham BC down in West Sussex.  They are still hoping to come up for a match at Hampton in late July where they played outdoors a few years ago.  Fingers crossed this will be able to happen.  Kevin K said the green looks great from over the hedge!

Stay safe and well.  Handwash for 20 seconds.  Phone-a-friend.  And all the usual things.

“We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when, but I know we’ll meet again some sunny day.”



Poetry & Prose. The Prose.

Out of the blue, I was contacted by Ahmed Shooble, a Sports Journalist (who was the first recipient of the SJA sports journalism diversity scholarship in 2019).  He works for the SW Londoner and. although his passion is football, he was keen to learn about Cambridge Park and its members during lockdown.  The article was published online yesterday and you should be able to access it via the link below.

I hope that when we’ve all been released back into our sort- of- normal lives, he will come down and meet some of you as well as have a go at bowls and chat with those of you enthusiastic football supporters with a beer afterwards! We share the article with Legends Boxing who are based under the arches at Kew Bridge.  If any of you would like to have a go at that, Harvey Morgan has an online Beginners Course – check out Legends Boxing on Facebook or Google .

Thanks to Shirley for her help and to everyone of you who are making and keeping the club as a club.

Together we ar stronger.

Keep handwashing, keep smiling, enjoy the sun, the birdsong and blossoms (despite the hayfever) and don’t forget to phone-a-friend-a-day!


Poetry & Prose. The Poetry

Many thanks to Brenda S for sending over Pam Ayres’ poem for us girls – sorry chaps!

I’m normally a social girl
I love to meet my mates
But lately with the virus here
We can’t go out the gates.
You see, we are the ‘oldies’ now
We need to stay inside
If they haven’t seen us for a while
They’ll think we’ve upped and died.
They’ll never know the things we did
Before we got this old
There wasn’t any Facebook
So not everything was told.
We may seem sweet old ladies
Who would never be uncouth
But we grew up in the 60s –
If you only knew the truth!
There was sex and drugs and rock ‘n roll
The pill and miniskirts
We smoked, we drank, we partied
And were quite outrageous flirts.
Then we settled down, got married
And turned into someone’s mum,
Somebody’s wife, then nana,
Who on earth did we become?
We didn’t mind the change of pace
Because our lives were full
But to bury us before we’re dead
Is like a red rag to a bull!
So here you find me stuck inside
For 4 weeks, maybe more
I finally found myself again
Then I had to close the door!
It didnt really bother me
I’d while away the hour
I’d bake for all the family
But I’ve got no flaming  flour!
Now Netflix is just wonderful
I like a gutsy thriller
I’m swooning over Idris
Or some random sexy killer.
At least I’ve got a stash of booze
For when I’m being idle
There’s wine and whiskey,  even gin
If I’m feeling suicidal!
So let’s all drink to lockdown
To recovery and health
And hope this awful virus
Doesn’t decimate our wealth.
We’ll all get through the crisis
And be back to join our mates
Just hoping I’m not far too wide
To fit through the flaming gates!
Found Flour after 2 mile walk – weyhey!

Positive Thoughts Please – They’re Working – Update!

Update 10th April afternoon:  Brian had an op to remove the clot on his brain.  Only 24 hours later, he has spoken to Jane and said he was and bored!  Terry and Jane will keep in contact with him.  Terry spoke to Brian this afternoon and they will be moving him to Kingston Hospital.

So thank you for keeping Brian and Carol in your thoughts.  Please continue!


9th April:  Just had a call from Terry M.  Brian C was taken into hospital during the night having suffered a stroke. Please send as many positive thoughts and prayers that you have his way and Carol and the family’s way.

I’ll post other news later, but wanted you to all get behind Brian and the medical team looking after him

We’ll be clapping at 8.00 pm tonight for all the NHS and other key workers battling away on behalf of the whole country.

