Author: Dawn Slaughter

Middlesex Ladies Luncheon

A few snaps from the lunch.  In addition to the runners’ ups trophies and the Top Club winners’ trophies, we also had 200 club winners in TIna Cooper and Joan O’Neil and a few raffle prize winners between us.

A good afternoon seeing all our ‘outdoor’ friends again.  We were hardly recognisable out of bowls’ gear!

Jacquie Elkin did a whizz of a job organising the event on behalf of the County ladies supported by Liz Dutton, Dee Hardy, and Ann Barrett from the Executive (Kevin & Sally are away).  Thanks to Cathy Taylor the Benevolent Organiser and Marie Curry the 200 Club Organiser too.

Paul Robson, Bowls England President; Dot Stanners, Middlesex Ladies President from 2019; and Brian Hearn, current Middlesex Men’s President, handed out the trophies.

Sandra Williamson-Mills, as 2021 County Champion, spoke on behalf of all the competitors and county supporters.

Mandy Simpson & Angela Martel very efficiently organised the raffle and £400 was raised.

We had a good time but were sorry that not all of the CP members nor all other county members were able to join us.  Photos of all attendees by table are on the Bowls Middlesex FB page.

A Mixed Pairs Win!

Well done to Tricia & Steve who conquered their Egham opponents this evening in hte National Mixed Pairs and hard luck to Teresa & Barry who gave Barry & Kylie a good run for their money at Cambridge Park but came in second.  Tricia & Steve now play Yasmina Hasan & Martin Payne, who defeated Gym & Dawn last night.

As far as I know, the only other National being played soon is the Mixed Fours where Steve, Tricia, Jean & Norman play John & Amanda Donaghue + 2 on Saturday morning at Cambridge Park.

Mid Week Leagues

David Hale is beavering away on his computer and on the phone compiling league formats and seeing which teams will be in full swing by Monday 25th and which teams are lagging behind!

We could do with another 6 players to be spread over the Monday league teams.  Can anyone put their hand up to join us, please?  If not, we will probably have to merge the two teams into one which none of us want to do.

An extra set of bowling hands would be welcome on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays too.

If you’re new to Cambridge Park and the indoor leagues, whichever team you are in does not require you to play every single week.  For most that would be too big a commitment.  So, if you’re hesitant about joining on that score, don’t worry.  Having players who are happy to play once or twice each month would be lovely!

Please contact David on

It’s a lovely morning and the bonus of not working is that I can get out for an early  morning walk along the river.  Apologies to those sitting up in bed of a-morning awaiting the day’s posting.   Normal service will be resumed once I start work again.  Just waiting to find out the date … probably after my arm has been used as a pin cushion for many jabs!

Open Evening – Friday 15th October

If you would like to bring any family/friends/neighbours along to the club to ‘have a go’, Friday is a good evening to do it!

There will be members on hand to assist with basic coaching as well as have a bit of fun on the green.

It will start at 6.00 pm and go through to 9.00 pm.  It’s a come-and-go evening.  No one is expected to stay all 3 hours but we wouldn’t stop them!


We’ve added a couple of dates for the diary.  Ange is keen to have a Christmas Lunch/Dinner this year, so this will be in December.  (Eagle-eyed Ray V pointed out that 13th December isn’t a Sunday and we may have finals on 12th.   Thanks, Ray)  We will put a list up on the board when we have worked out the cost.  Numbers will be limited.

On Monday 27th December, Ange will do her “Cottage Pie & Prosecco” Bowls, so watch out for more details about that too.

Our match in the new year v Met Police has been cancelled.   Their captain of 22 years is no longer able to run the team.  No one else has come forward to take over so they fear that the Met Police Bowls team will cease to exist.  That is very sad.  All bowls clubs need volunteers to step up to keep their clubs going.

Bowls England Podcasts

For those of you who are interested, Bowls England have been producing “The Extra End” podcast.  There are several episodes which you can dip in and out of.

Find them on

They’re quite short episodes, so good interviews with people in world of bowls and assorted bowls related topics.


While thinking about Bowls England, their individual competition entries e.g. Senior Singles, Senior Pairs and Mixed Competitions will be opening early in November.

Norman needs the forms and fees for the Middlesex Competitons back by 20th October not 10th (apologies for making you all rush!).


Weekend and Other News

Great turnout on Saturday afternoon – a full house +1!  We’ll have another roll up this coming Saturday at 2.00 pm.  (Indoor times are on the hour, unlike outdoors, except for the evening session which starts at 6.30 pm to allow those working an extra 30 mins to get to leagues)

Usual morming roll ups Monday to Friday at 10.00 am.

Roll ups also this Tuesday and Thursday at 6.30 pm.

On competition news, Peter T & Di S lost by one shot on the final end of their National Mixed Pairs on Saturday at Egham.  Gym & Dawn are playing another Egham pair on Wednesday at CP at 6.30 pm and Steve G & Tricia are playing yet another Egham pair on Thursday at Egham.

Mixed Fours are coming up – when we’ve fixed the date!  Peter T’s four are playing Dawn’s four, so that will be a home fixture.

It’s a gorgeous morning out there, so get out if you can.  Have a coffee sitting in the sunshine and top up your Vitamin D!


Mike Wise – Funeral Details

For those of you who know Ann and Mike Wise who played outdoors at NPL, there was some sad news via John Dilley this morning.

Mike had a fall at the end of August and while in hospital it was found that the cancer already under treatment had spread much more rapidly than anyone had realised.  He spent the last weeks of his life in a hospice – it was obviously a difficult time for the family.

Ann has played indoors at CP for a few years but I’m not sure if Mike ever did.  We are sending our love and thoughts to Ann and family for their loss.

Mike’s funeral is at 12.30 next Thursday, 14th October, at St Mark’s Church, St Mark’s Road, Teddington, quite close to where Mike and Ann lived together.

Foggy Morning in Richmond Town

A bit of a foggy start this morning, but I’m pleased to report that the sun is now out – in case anyone is still in bed with the curtains drawn.

Roll up this afternoon is very well subscribed.  We will have another next Saturday afternoon and one mid week, to help get you all up to scratch indoors before the leagues and matches start!

There are a few spaces for anyone wanting to play pairs tomorrow morning at 10.00 am.  9 signed up so far.

New pre-Christmas fixture added for 30th October v Chertsey.  There’s a sign up sheet on the board.

See some of you later – about 32 of you!  Tea and cake afterwards and a chance to catch up with friends you haven’t seen for a while.

Cloudy Friday

Great to see so many names up for tomorrow afternoon.
please could you bring your diaries as we have games at King George Field on Wednesday 20th and Egham on Sunday 24th with only a handful of names on the sheet.
Both have meals provided afterwards so no cooking or washing up but of course we have to pay!
Hopefully we’ll have enough drivers to share cars




AGM Minutes and Notes

The Minutes from the AGM are in the Members’ section of the website.

You might be pleased to know that following an interview at Ashford Hospital on Tuesday, I have been offered a job.  Hooray!  As this is now fixed, I offered to re-stand as Indoor Captain.  This is reflected in the Minutes.

Other news:-

Scott has been sent up onto the roof (sounds like one of the chimney boys!) and has cleared it of leaves and the really irritating sycamore wings which get into everything.  They were fun when we were children as they twirled through the air.  So, thanks to Scott as it needed to be done and should now leave the gutters and hoppers able to function as they were intended.

The kitchen doesn’t run with fairies.  If you make a tea/coffee and put your money in the pot that’s fine, but you need to wash your mug up afterwards and not just dump it in the sink.  If there are dirty mugs found in the sink over the next week, the kitchen will be closed and you will need to use the machine for the times where the bar isn’t open to serve you teas/coffees.

Race Night – on top of the £515 for Macmillan Cancer Research, £285 was raised for the club.  Thanks to everyone.

Open Evening – Friday 15th October – 6.00 – 9.00 pm.  Bring a friend/colleague/outdoor member from another club and come and have a go.  There will be people to give some basic instruction.  Remember what it was like when you started and how much fun it was – short bowls, ditch bowls, wrong bias – we all had fun and then as the weeks/months/years have gone on, look how far we’ve improved and the various achievements of members and the club as a whole.  You just have to start somewhere!  Ange and Scott turned up on an Open Evening 4 years ago never having bowled a bowl before.  Look at how far they have come and both contributing in other ways for the Club.

Quiz Night on 29th October.  Ange and family will produce the questions.  We just need you to sign up and join in!  If you haven’t got a full team, don’t worry we can slot you in with someone else.  It’s a fun evening and we wouldn’t expect any team to score 100%!   Thunderbirds, Emergency Ward 10, 1940s hits, cooking ingredients, H2O, films, logos, rivers, buildings, Sue Ellen, Red Rum ….. you never know what sort of questions there will be and sometimes a answer comes from out of your hippocampus (look it up!) after several years sitting dormant!

For those New Members or Re-Joining , please can you complete an Application Form, link below? 

210402 – CP Membership Application 2021-2022 – Rev.1

It was remarkable that during 2020 how many people changed address, cars, emails!  We’d like to ensure everything is correct.  As soon as you hand the form in, the process will be in place to send you a subscription invoice and a CP Membership Card issued.

Outdoor Competitions for 2022 – Middlesex and Bowls England  

For those of you entering these competitions, Norman would like your forms and entry fees back by 10th October.  Download the appropriate form for your gender from the links below.  Hard copies also available at the Club.

National & Middlesex Competition Form 2022 – Ladies

National & Middlesex Competition Form 2022 – Men