Author: Dawn Slaughter

Wednesday – What a Glorious Morning!

Wasn’t it lovely to get out of bed and see the sun, even if it’s a bit chilly outside.

I’ve had an odd couple of days swatting up for an interview, so apologies for not posting yesterday.

Thanks for everyone who came along last night – 19 in total.  Thanks to Peter J for organising us all and then rolling up on his own so everyone else was involved in triples for the evening.

There are 26 signed up for Saturday afternoon – that’s brilliant!   We can accommodate 32 without having to swap in and out.

The mixed friendly v King George Field away is on Wednesday 20th October.  I knew Thursday didn’t look right!  If you can play and can take a couple of team members in your car, that would be really helpful.  KGF now have caterers, so there will be a meal afterwards (So, no cooking or washing up for those playing!  Whoopee.  I’m in!).  Match fee is £8

Steve has put a sign up sheet for the Men’s London & Southern Counties Challenge Shield v Herga.  It’s 4 rinks of men – 2 rinks home, 2 away.  Saturday 27th November is the play by/on date and I think that is the date we’re heading for, so please sign up if you’re available.

Good to know that your positive thoughts have been working as a couple of our hospitalised members are now at home and on the mend.  Sending more good wishes their way as well as to Ange who is still hobbling, so can’t play at the moment.

With the weather looking so lovely, I’m off to Wakehurst Gardens to wallow in autumn colours – and mud, probably!

Enjoy the roll up this morning for all going.

Monday Again!

Well that weekend went by quickly.  We had a very good turn out of 21 on Saturday afternoon at the roll up.  It was good to see new members, new-to-indoor-bowls members and one brand new to bowls altogether! Thanks to Kevin K for organising the 6 x triples and to Stella K who helped Shaf, our brand new bowler and me  Stella was able to pass on tips that she had learned when she started bowling a year ago. Looking at the game with fresh eyes is very helpful. Shaf was definitely getting the hang of it by the end of the session (and managed to hold shot on two ends!).  Then Stella filled in for someone in the triples who had to leave early  She played jolly well too!

There will be another one this Saturday, starting at 2.00 pm.  We will try and get something more competitive – e.g. triples, men v ladies later in the month when there isn’t a match at the weekend and fewer bowls are ending up in the back ditches!  A lot of people have taken a break from the outdoor season and are just coming around to thinking of returning indoors.

The sign up sheets are up for October games.  These include the National team competitions.  Please sign up.  The provisional fixture list is up on the Calendar section of the website.

Monday morning roll up today 10.00 – 12.00.  Quite a few of you have run out of green fee voucher books.  Jane will be there ready to serve you with these and other beverages from 11.30 am until about 1.30 pm.  She will be back again around 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm.

Does anyone work for a flooring company?  We could do with some new lino/non-slip tiles in the bar area to go with the new fixtures and fittings and to wrap around into the sink area.  Carpet (which is what is there at the moment) is very impractical!

Top temp today forecast to be 16C.  You’ll need a fleece/jacket out there but hopefully not an umbrella now this morning’s downpour has gone over..

A Message from Ann Macey

A big thank you to all who came to the Race Night.  I am sure we can all agree we had a good time, some winning and quite a few of us not!

All in all with Raffle Ticket sales, Guess the Sweets in the Jar, Cake Sale and Spider game on Ladies v Gents Match Day, you have helped me raise £515 for Macmillans Cancer Support.  

The raffle was won by John Ball (Eileen’s husband aka Brian N’s brother-in-law) and the sweet Jar by Andrew Simpkin.  There were 129 sweets in the jar.

My thanks also to my helpers on the day – Margaret, Beryl, Jacquie, Scott and Terry.  Also thanks to Jane and Gordon for working the bar.

Many thanks



Saturday Blues?

Surely not!

It’s on the chilly side of ok out there and it’s not raining. You can come for a roll up this afternoon at 2.00 pm  followed by tea and shop bought cakes (sorry, lost my enthusiasm of being in the kitchen).

Have you been or booked to see the 007 film yet?  Any reviews?

How did the Race Night go? and the Macmillan Raffle?  I’m sure some of you have news about those.  Ann, Margaret and Beryl were beavering away in the kitchen.  Jane and Gordon were busy with the glasses – hope the glasswasher started playing ball as well as adjusting to where the stocks are in the refurbished bar area; and Terry was arranging all the furniture when I popped in and Brian & Carol were ready and waiting for the first race!

Please let us all know how it went.

There’s the Quiz Night on Friday 29th October to look forward to, so start swatting up!

Whatever you are or are not doing today, I hope your Satuday is good.


Take an  umbrella when you go out!

Morning roll up at 10.00 this morning.  If you can get there by bus or you have petrol, go and enjoy yourself on the indoor green, or just go for a social chat.  Bar will be open from 11.30 am.  I wasn’t there yesterday, but hopefully the refurbishments are just about complete.

Get Those Jackets and Scarves Out!

6 C this morning.  OK, so it was 4.00 am and I did hear it on the radio, but even my radiator kicked in, so it must be chilly.  The wind does look as if it has dropped since yesterday, so that is a blessing.

It’s the AGM today.  2.00 pm in the Clubhouse.  Please go if you can.  You will learn of what has happened over the last 12 months, get a chance to see the bar very nearly finished and find out the plans for Cambridge Park going forward.  We are still in need of people to take on some roles within the club – indoors and outdoors.

Ray Verralls has kindly picked up the Indoor Fixture Secretary role (as well as having done the outdoor one) but, due to my being busy and unable to pass things over, we have not got as many fixtures to start off the season.  The gaps in the draft fixture list for October look large because we have always had National team competitions around 8-10th, but this year, our first rounds are not until the end of the month.

There will be a roll up this Saturday afternoon at 2.00 pm for those of you who would like to come along.  There will be another – maybe pairs or triples the following weekend – as well as at least one evening next week.  Please bear with me.  It is my last day at work today and I have been working crazy hours to tidy up projects and loose ends as well as to hand over my ‘non existent’ role, so bowls has had to take a back seat for the last couple of weeks.

I know that we have a few members who are figuratively under the weather, so please send positive thoughts to all members who are poorly.

Onwards and upwards.  We have a great club and we want you to enjoy it and be proud to be a part of it!

Indoor Roll Up – Saturday Afternoon 2nd October

There will be a roll up indoors on Saturday afternoon starting at 2.00 pm.  All welcome.


For those of you attending the AGM tomorrow afternoon at 2.00 pm or the Race Night on Friday, if you’re squirrelling away any 1lb (450g) jam jars, please could you bring them along for Margaret Barnes.  The fruit harvest has been good and she can make loads of jam if she has containers in which to put it!



EIBA Finals – Live Streaming from 9.30 am Today on Facebook

Lights ?Camera ? Action ?
We are pleased to announce that tomorrow’s National Semi-Final between Ellen Falkner MBE and Kylie Jenkins will be live streamed! ?
This will be available on our Facebook page from 9.30am.  Men’s and Ladies singles I believe
It was announced yesterday that Ellen Falkner MBE is retiring from International Bowls in England and has been appointed High Performance Manager for Parabowls in Australia ahead of the Commonwealth Games next year.  Big change for her!

Saturday’s Ladies’ Captain’s Match Report!

Saturday was a great day with five full rinks and many enthusiastic supporters on both sides. Lots of great shots from the ladies and gents, so difficult to work out quite where it all went wrong for the ladies! There were no big shot differences on any rinks, but the men just seemed to do enough to win on each one!

The food was well organised , warm and delicious, with many members enjoying a second helping. The bar was maybe flowing too well as there even seemed to be a shortage of glasses at one point.

The winning spiders were Joan and Barry and it was silver and gold medals (chocolate coins ) for the Ladies and Gents respectively.

My grateful thanks to all the ladies, particularly those who are in their first season bowling or who came in last minute . We hope you enjoyed the day! A special mention for Brian N too for helping us out. Also my thanks to Gordon who was a very gracious winning captain! Ladies we will be ready next year!


Talking of food (see above), Ann Macey is fund raising for Macmillan Cancer Research and would like as many cake donations as possible to come with you to the AGM on Thursday afternoon (30th September).  Bring one, buy one, share one as a ‘dessert’ on Friday at the Race Night!

Raffle tickets also still available.  The top prize hampers are wonderful!

South MIddlesex Bowling Association Competitions

Quite a lot of CP indoor members were playing the South Middlesex Bowling Association competition finals yesterday on a lovely sunny day!

Dave Pitt took the Gillette Cup singles title

Richard Duke was runner up in the Firestone Trophy

Kevin Keown was runner up to Dave Bevan (also from Hampton) in the 75 Points

Kevin Keown and Christine Pusey won the MIxed Pairs

Dave Pitt & Gary Birtles took the Australian Pairs title against Mike Cooper & Laurie Gasgoine

Dave Pitt, Mark Varney & John Smith played fellow Masonians to take the Open Triples title

Mike Cooper, & Laurie Gasgoine & Bob Bidgood won the Monday Night Triples

The John Gardner Fours Trophy was won by Pauline & Bill Rush and Maureen & Kevin Keown


Well done to all of you and we look forward to seeing you at Cambridge Park indoors when you are ready!