Author: Dawn Slaughter

The Dangers of Lockdown – As seen from a Physio’s Perspective

No 1 – tripping over tree roots whilst running or looking at your phone whilst walking!
No 2 – slipping down the side of a bank whilst running!
No 3 – lower limb injuries as a result of running for the first time  in ages!
No 4 – not lifting your leg high enough getting off the bike and then slowly falling down to the ground …. with the bike between your legs!
No 5 – coughing, sneezing (hayfever) and putting your back out!
No 6 – at last … sorting the garden out but as a result have developed lower back and shoulder pain!
No 7 – at last … DIY and now you have shoulder pain!
No.8 – at last – spring cleaning involving moving furniture around and clutter up and down stairs, reaching up into those top cupboards in the kitchen – neck, shoulders, lower back pain and grazed elbows!
No 8 – working from home, sitting at the computer all day and/or desperately trying to finish a jigsaw and developing lower back pain!
Have you got any more to add to the list?!
This didn’t start out as a promotion but if you find you have injured yourself over the lockdown, the ABC Physio Clinic is still running so please get in contact.   (I must book in for a massage!)

Happy Birthday, Scott!

Having had a run of May birthdays, I think there are a few June ones coming up.

Happy Birthday Scott, and thanks for all you’ve been doing behind the scenes during lockdown – phoning members, helping with the member meals-on-wheels both in the kitchen and sprinting to their front doors with portions of hot food.   He also assisted with videoing for the Risk Assessment and came up with a variety of snazzy designs for new county shirts – still under consideration.  And, I am reminded, he did a  pretty good job dyeing and cutting his Mum’s hair.  Another string to his bow.  A quiet, talented and very kind lad.

Thank you!


Any more June birthdays that you know of?  Please let me know.


Happy Memories

Thought you’d all like to be reminded of the wonderful afternoon we had playing The Royal Household at their ground – when was it?  2017 or 2018?  Great to see nearly everyone smiling. Is it Dave Wilson facing away from the group behind Reg?  Lovely to see Rita  and Rocket and Jim P.  I can see Dave S but not Brenda.  Maybe she was behind Laurence’s hat?!

Useless Lockdown Trivia

As I haven’t had much news back from you, here’s a bit of useless trivia which won’t even come up in a pub quiz!

Since lockdown, in the absence of 6 weeks of indoor bowling followed by 4-6 weeks of outdoor bowling, I have walked 500.8 miles and probably taken around 2,501 photos of which 501 are probably of Richmond Lock Bridge!  (It is very photogenic at all times of the day.)

I’ve had one of the photos made up into a 1000 piece jigsaw (see below).  The jigsaw is complete and was dispatched through DHL to arrive on 29th May.  No card through the door and the tracking still states it is going to be delivered by 2 June.  Clicked on another link and it now says December delivery.  Oh well, I suppose it will make a good Christmas present!

Richmond Lock Bridge – 30 April 2020

And Now It’s Monday Again!

I realised that I had such a full weekend that I didn’t post anything on here!  That was very remiss of me.

Ange, Laurence, Dave P & I played a challenge Mixed Pairs match on Saturday morning.  It was very close with only one shot in it after 21 ends (YESSSSS – guess who won?!).  However, it was also extremely wet!  I went off to do a bit of shopping and was so cold when I got home, I had to have a hot shower.  I gather Jean put her central heating back on Saturday too.  Norman wouldn’t have been cold.  Did you see the Cheese Scones that he made on his and our Facebook pages?  They looked absolutely delicious.  I think he might get an order coming his way!

At least the wind had died down yesterday although it wasn’t exactly warm.    On the radio this morning, it was said that Wednesday would be the worst day this week.  Whether that is regards weather, shopping deals, poor tv programmes or what, I’m not sure!

The green bookings are coming along nicely with the two hour playing slots available from today.

Laurence has thrown down the gauntlet to Mike C to see if Bishop Duppas can put up 3 triples to play against CP on Saturday afternoon.  It’ll be bring your own sandwich and drink but should be fun.  If Mike can’t get triples out, we’ll do pairs.  I have no idea who is on the radar for the CP team.

On Sunday morning Geraldine & Richard H and I are taking on Hampton’s Kevin K, Richard D & AN Other.  It’s a good way of trying out the triples with 5 different households.  Pairs is easy to manage with the social distancing and with triples the No.2’s will probably need to stand off the green on their respective sides until it is their time to bowl, then swap with the leads.  Rinks are still not allowed but maybe if the social distancing outdoors is reduced to 1m, we might be able to play that format in another few weeks.  We’ll just have to be patient.

George H rang on Friday night.  He had hurt his leg but will be coming down to see if he can bowl.  It was too cold at the weekend though.

Ray P is off for his op this week.  Good luck from all of us, Ray. x

Dentists are opening up shortly too.  They already wear face masks.  More difficult it you’re the patient!

In Seoul, you have to wear face masks out of doors but can go and eat in restaurants, so their indoor social distancing must have been reduced or you’d need a mighty big table.

We have some litter pickers and you could almost play cards if each player had one of those!  Any other ideas of how everyday games/activities can be achieved.  It doesn’t matter if they seem ridiculous – more fun that way.

Keep your news coming in.  We need something to help us get through a few more weeks of lockdown fever.

In the meantime, don’t forget to keep handwashing.  That still seems to be a key feature in keeping the virus at bay.  Stay alert and stay street savvy if you go out.


Is it Friday Again Already? Surely Not!

I’m sure the weeks are not flying by for everyone and I’m sorry if that is the case.  What happened to the warm, sunny weather?  It’s distinctly chilly in the office even though I am wearing a fleece again!

For all you avid gardeners out there, it does look as if you can lay off the watering for a couple of days but after that, you’ll have to get out the lawn mower and whatever you use to  take out the weeds as they will be having a growth spurt and probably overtaking the flowers!


News from Ann B is that Strawberry Hill are hoping to start up soon.  They’ve had to submit a report to the Council for permission to open which has now been given.  They are now getting all their signs and paperwork ready.

Kevin K wrote :  “We started playing at Hampton the week before last and people are gradually coming on board, maybe up to 19 players have played or intend to soon. Hugh has sent latest MCBA/BE instructions out to all our members who have email, so we expect more players to join in soon.
4 of us plan to play a pairs roll up next Tuesday, progress indeed!

Keep safe and well and please send our regards to all at Cambridge Park.”

We’re sending our regards back to Hampton and Strawberry Hill.  If any of the clubs up and running fancy a Pairs or Triples challenge on a different green, I think some of us would be up for that.  No clubhouse facilities as yet but as long as everyone knows that they have to take their own beverage and remembers to take their own disinfectant and hand gel, we should be ok.


Longer Slots from Monday?

With the addition of Pairs and Triples play being permitted, we intend to increase the playing slot times to 2 hours as from Monday.  Just keep an eye out when booking in case the start times change slightly.  If there is a 30 minute difference to what has already been booked, we’ll contact you.

Ann & Archie are doing well and the radishes are coming along a treat, apparently.  (Very good with Scotch Eggs and Mustard at cricket matches, I have been told!)

Hampton is up and running.  How about the other clubs?  Any news?

Gerry, Reg & Brian C were down watching earlier in the week and I hope some others of you are enjoying being able to sit and watch now.

You’ll be very pleased to know I’ve been well and truly fumigated.  The flat anyway!  The decluttering and emptying of the flat has occupied rather a lot of ‘home’ time over the last 3 weeks and I now have to declutter again (how can one accumulate so much stuff?!) when putting everything back into wardrobes, bookcases and cupboards.  It makes the “Sock-gate” drawer tidying at the beginning of lockdown seem like a piece of cake!

Hope to get out on the bowls green soon and enjoy it – especially when all the National Indoor Comps forms have been submitted (by Sunday 7th).


Bowls England – Updated Guidance 2nd June – Pairs & Triples Now on the Cards!


2nd June, 2020 by Alistair Hollis

The Government confirmed yesterday (Monday 1st June) that groups of six can now meet outside provided people from different households observe social distancing (staying at least 2m apart).

This is good news for bowls, as we are aware many of our clubs that have opened, or wished to reopen, felt the previous Government guidance on numbers was restrictive, a number observing that pairs in particular could be played safely in accordance with social distancing.

Whilst the Government guidance now enables triples play, clubs may also wish to consider alternative formats with reduced numbers per rink – for example singles and pairs – in order for social distancing to be more easily maintained.

We have updated our guidance and FAQ accordingly as attached and encourage all clubs who do wish to open to take time to look at how they can operate effectively and safely within the new limits, while strictly adhering to public health guidance around hygiene and social distancing.

The key changes in the latest guidance reflect:

  • The increase in number of people permitted to participate together on a single rink;
  • Provision for clubs to consider attendance by spectators;
  • Provision for clubs to consider additional equipment;
  • Increase in number of people that can receive coaching at any one time

For the latest Government guidance for sport go to:

As you can imagine, we are receiving a lot of enquiries and we would kindly request you digest the guidance and send us an e-mail if you need any more information. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please continue to share your experiences of getting #back2bowls and, if you are enjoying a return to the green, we hope please do so in a safe way.



This guidance document contains the following Sections:

  1. Clubs – Summary of Recommended Action
  2. Players – Summary of Recommended Action
  3. Frequently Asked Questions
  4. Back2Bowls
  5. Additional Information

If you have any questions, please e-mail: We are here to help and we will endeavour to respond within three working days.


1. Clubs – Summary of Recommended Action

Bowls England recommends that all clubs consider the guidance below. This may be adapted as necessary for your club, so long as it remains consistent with Government advice and social distancing requirements. This is particularly relevant with regard to rink usage and the maximum numbers of people that each club feels it can manage on the premises safely at any one time:

Play arrangements

  • Off-site booking system for rink allocation
  • Minimum of 20 minutes between allocated time slots to enable players to arrive/depart safely
  • Clubs to communicate in advance with players to advise on social distancing requirements that are being applied on arrival at the club – for example not leaving cars until a certain time before their allocated time slot
  • Only play on alternate rinks 1, 3, 5 OR 2, 4, 6 (keep an empty rink between rinks that are being played on)
  • Whilst the Government guidance now enables triples play, clubs may also wish to consider alternative formats with reduced numbers per rink – for example singles and pairs – in order for social distancing to be more easily maintained
  • Capping the number of occasions a player can book a rink each week to ensure that the available capacity is distributed fairly

 Playing Formats

The following playing formats are in accordance with Government guidelines:

  • Up to six individuals from different households playing on a single rink

Social distancing rules must be strictly adhered to; you must remain at least two metres apart from other bowlers (who are not part of your household) at all times.

Clubhouse and Facilities

  • Until further notice, all clubhouses must be closed
  • Limited essential access (for example to use the toilets and hand washing facilities) may be allowed by the club
  • Sanitiser must be available for cleaning hands and equipment before and after playing
  • Clubs may wish to allow spectators, however their attendance must be in line with Government guidelines on social distancing and the ability of the club to accommodate the additional numbers

Social distancing rules must be strictly adhered to; you must remain at least two metres apart from other bowlers (who are not part of your household) at all times.


To minimise the risk of infection, only essential items (as below) should be utilised during any session:

  • Mat
  • Bowls
  • Jack
  • Rink markers
  • Gloves
  • Scorecards (these should be retained by one person only if required)
  • Bowling arm/lifter (for use by one person only if required)
  • Bowling aids (for players with a disability if required)

To minimise the risk of infection, any other equipment is not deemed essential equipment at this time and clubs should give consideration as to whether they wish to utilise or not. This includes:

  • Scoreboards
  • Bowls pushers
  • Ditch markers
  • 2m distance sticks
  • Chalk


2. Players – Summary of Recommended Actions

Bowls England recommends that all players follow the guidance below (the guidance may be adapted if necessary to meet individual needs, so long as they remain consistent with Government advice and social distancing requirements):

In advance

Do not go to the club if you are experiencing any coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or any cold or flu-like symptoms, in particular a cough or a high temperature. Use the NHS 111 website or helpline and seek advice. For your own protection, follow the advice about self-isolation if you are, or are living with, someone in one of the vulnerable groups

  • Dress appropriately before you get to the club to avoid the need to change clothes – change shoes immediately before and after your game
  • Travel to the green on your own or with members of your own household only – do not offer a lift to, or accept a lift from, anyone outside your household. Do not arrive more than 10 minutes before your allocated booking time.

Personal care

  • Whilst they may be open, avoid using toilets at the club wherever possible
  • Clean anything you have touched after use
  • Take any food or drink you might need with you
  • Wash or sanitise your hands and sanitise any equipment (including bowls, jacks and mats) you use before and after you play – do not assume that the person before you has sanitised the equipment thoroughly
  • Sanitise padlocks, keys and door handles before and after use

Playing the game

  • You can play lawn bowls where facilities have reopened, but you can only take part in these activities by yourself, or with members of your household or with no more than five other people outside of your household, as long as you are able to maintain social distancing
  • Do not shake hands before, during or after a game
  • Do not ‘high-five‘ OR ‘hug’ other players to celebrate shots or a win
  • Mats/jacks (if shared) must be sanitised before and after each session
  • If scoring:
    • Social distancing rules must be strictly adhered to at all times
    • Do not touch your opponents’ bowls with your hands
    • Avoid measuring for shot/s wherever possible

When you leave

  • When you finish playing, change your shoes and leave the club immediately – ensuring that you have sanitised all equipment used and that the club is secure (as applicable)


3. Frequently Asked Questions


When can we reopen?

Outdoor bowls clubs are now allowed to open. Each club, including council-owned sports facilities, will make their own decision about when their facilities are ready to open and can be operated safely. You should only reopen or restart activities as soon as you feel able to do so safely. Until you feel it is safe and responsible to reopen you should remain closed.


What games can we play?

All activity should be consistent with the government guidance regarding health, social distancing and hygiene. That means that participants and others can maintain a safe two metre distance, that good hygiene practices are in place, that equipment is disinfected regularly, and that it is clear that anyone who is symptomatic or suspects they have been exposed to the virus does not take part and remains at home.


What about competitions within our club?

Any measures clubs can put in place to enable an activity to return needs to be capable of being adapted to follow government guidelines on social distancing e.g. strengthening or relaxing measures at short notice. Organisations are encouraged to think creatively about how best to make their sport or activity possible within the guidelines. The limit on gatherings means that it is unlikely to be possible to organise amateur events or competitions at this time. The primary purpose of bowling activity at this time is for physical and mental well-being.


Can ‘clinically vulnerable’ people (such as people aged 70 and over) participate in lawn bowls?

The Government guidance for ‘clinically vulnerable’ groups remains the same. If you are in this group you are advised to stay at home as much as possible and, if you do go out, take particular care to minimise contact with others outside your household. If you are living in a household with a possible COVID-19 infection or if you are classified as ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ on health grounds, the guidance is that you should remain at and exercise at home. You may wish to consider doing the Bowls England Level 1 workout, to help you to stay fit and active. Full details at:


Can I receive coaching?

Coach Bowls further recommends that coaches provide coaching to no more than four people at any one time, regardless of their ability, with the addition of a further independent adult for Safeguarding and Health & Safety reasons (who should remain socially distanced). Coaches should coach on no more than two rinks at any one time, to ensure quality of delivery is maintained.


Can we open the club bar and kitchen?

No – Bars and restaurants, including any food or drink facilities inside a clubhouse must remain closed until further notice. Take-away services can be offered, but any hot or cold food must be consumed off the premises, outside of the building.


Can we use the club toilets?

Yes – toilets and throughways may be kept open, but guidance on hygiene and social distancing should be followed.


Can we use the changing rooms?

No – all indoor facilities, apart from toilets and through-ways should be kept closed.


Can we share equipment?

Where possible we recommend that you limit sharing of equipment, for example you should use your own bowls. If you are sharing equipment (mats/jacks) you should wash your hands thoroughly before and after use. It is a decision for clubs/facility managers whether or not they loan/hire out bowls. If you do, we would expect you to follow sensible precautions and clean in between users, as well as following the safely working guidance.


4. Back2Bowls

We would love to see examples of good practice with bowls being enjoyed whilst adhering to the government guidelines. Please post your photos on social media tagging in Bowls England or using the hashtag #back2bowls – we’ll share the best with the rest of the bowls community. Alternatively, send your news direct to:


5. Additional Information


Further guidance is available as below: