Author: Dawn Slaughter

Happy Tuesday!

A few of  us were having a chat at the weekend and over the last couple of weeks, we’ve hit a bit of a low.  Is it because we’ve spent 1/4 year in relative or mainly isolation and it’s just another week too much?  Are we programmed in 13 week sections?  I don’t know the answer by the way.  I know personally I’m fed up of having to think what to buy and prepare mealwise. There’s no fun in it any more and the large selection of cookery books on my shelves aren’t inspiring me.  Of course, it might help if I open them!

It looks like the social distancing will be reduced to one metre.  This will be such good news.   I’m not necessarily talking about bowls but for everyday life – much easier to hear someone when you’re a bit closer!

Those who have been in complete lockdown will have a chance to get out for a change of scene.  (There’s only so much decorating and cupboard cleaning you can do!)

What is the first place you would like to go to?  Hairdresser?  Restaurant?  Holiday?   Where would you go?  What’s your idea of paradise? I th ink some of you have holiday homes/time shares in other countries.  Is that where you would go?  Assuming you like travelling, would you get on a plane yet?

Family.  My brother can’t wait to give his grandchildren a hug.  His daughter and husband have 4 children so either Clive or his wife have been able to go in their daughter’s garden but one adult has to be absent with the total number being allowed is 6.  They’ve all found this almost harder than not being able to visit at all.  Strange isn’t it?

Anyway, I’m curious to learn of your top five ‘first things to do’ list.


PS  Caught up with the British Sewing Bee last night.  Sorry to see Liz go but the final will be interesting.  I think Claire has the edge but that has happened in Bake Off – one seems to lead all the way through then falls at the final hurdle.  Just another 36 hours to wait to find out.

You Can Sleep Tonight …

The router arrived in today’s post and seems to be working for the laptop and phone.  The printer might take a bit more convincing!

Anyway, forget Nessun Dorma as you will be able to sleep tonight and I will be able to catch up on British Sewing Bee semi-final.  Bet you’re all relieved!

Glorious Monday – The Sun is Shining!

I hope you all had a good weekend and managed to do the odd downpour.  (Mine would have been improved if the bloomin’ router had arrived.  I refuse to pay for hotspot wi-fi any longer!)

We had a great game v Chertsey on Saturday.  It was the first time many of the Chertsey players had been on a bowls’ green since last August and they were so pleased to get out and play!  Their own green won’t be open for another couple of weeks.    I think there was a runaway rink under Dave P‘s skippering and a good win for Steve G‘s team.

Norman’s team were doing ok until we dropped a 6 and Dawn managed to miss a score out on one end so that instead of winning 16-15, we lost 15-16.  Doh!  Norman played well with Terry M’s bowls and Sarah and Dawn were a bit in and out but we were trying, honestly!

It was brilliant to see so many friends coming along to enjoy the sunshine and company – Tony & Shirley O, Terry & Ann M, Reg (many people would be envious of his head of hair – he looks great!), Nadine, Jean, Corale, Beryl B, Brenda D, Colin M & his wife (apologies, I can’t remember her name), Gerry, George, Bob & Frances, Ron & Mo E, Lucy & Merve!  It was difficult to get a photo when they were all there as well as concentrate on playing!

Peter T and Norman exchanged elbow shakes.  Norman was very pleased with the overall win  and  claimed  the  victor’s trophy.  It will be up for grabs again on the re-match.  Might have to have a best of three!  (Apologies the image is rather dark – we did finish before 7 pm, so not quite sure what happened to my phone.)

Laurence was also on a winning roll with his Rock Cakes.  He’ll be making some more for this week!

Geraldine H, Gym and Dawn had a re-match v Kevin K, Richard H & Richard D at Hampton on Sunday morning.  The green was playing very well indeed.  It was just a shame that we three couldn’t match Kevin’s three.  You what it’s like when you don’t get the rub of the green.  We certainly didn’t get it but then again, we didn’t play well enough to deserve it either!  Anyway, Hampton are looking for a home and away triples game on a Sunday.  Please let me know if you would like to play – is Sunday better for you?

Chris C from Teddington saw our recent post and have we are now playing them at CP this Saturday at 3.30 pm.  We have a game v Bishop Duppas away on 4th July and a return at CP on 11th July.  Please let me know if you would like to play.  It would be good to get more of you on the game but if you just want to spectate, that’s fine.  It’s lovely to see you chatting away from a distance.  Maybe by this weekend, you can sit a bit closer!

Strawberry Hill are opening today, I believe.  Good luck to them.  Fordbridge Park only have one playable rink at the moment, but hope to come over and play in August.




Router, Oh Router, Where Art Thou?

It was a really good idea upgrading to fibre broadband and cutting landline calls to pay-as-you-go reducing the monthly fee by about £5.  I was given a £10 refund as they were a week late in installing it.  On Monday 8th June, I had a text message saying my new router was on its way.  On Wednesday 10th June, I had an email saying the router had been dispatched – allow 3-5 working days.  On Tuesday afternoon, it still hadn’t arrived so I rang again and they said they’d order another one.  Text message to advise it was on its way. Great, so have now had 7 whole days without internet access at home and there is only so much one can do on a phone!  Posting on here is difficult for one so I have taken 15 mins out of my working day (early lunch?!) to post this.

Everything is set for playing Chertsey tomorrow at 3.30 pm and I understand they now have a 3-triples fixture against Bishop Duppas. It is brilliant that clubs are opening up to playing more variations on singles once they have considered it is possible to play and keep it safe.  Disinfect before and after a game and keep the social distancing.  Key elements.

Norman is in charge tomorrow and I think he’s looking forward to winding Peter T and Chertsey team up.  (Isn’t it lucky the clubhouse is shut and we can’t put The Worzels on the outside speakers?!)

Teddington have got a team together for Saturday 27th and we’re going to Bishop Duppas on 4th and they’re coming back on 11th.  I know Stella, Gordon and Richard H are keen to play in some of these triple games.  Let  Laurence, Norman, Ange or me know if you would like to as well.  With only 9 in a team, we would like to get as many people playing as possible (as long as you feel safe and comfortable to do so) and not just the same old faces.  Hopefully the outdoor committee will be able to take over the reins soon.  We’re just minding it for the time being.

For a change to the Isleworth-Richmond or Isleworth-Brentford walking loop, I went over to Windsor yesterday evening.  There are lots and lots and lots of swans on the Thames, all eager to see if passers by have brought any goodies to share!  I walked over to the Bath Island and Pleasure Gardens.  Apparently that section of water used to be the outside equivalent of a spa bath.  I also found a Hurricane Hawk perched on a pole – photos on my Facebook page if you’re interested.

I parked by Windsor & Eton Bowling Club.  The green looks wonderful.  Steven K plays here in the summer but he wasn’t in action last night!  Yesterday’s rain has done the greens a lot of good but it wouldn’t have been much fun playing through it.

Windsor & Eton BC – 18th June 2020



Good News and Today’s Question!

There is a lot of good news today with the Meal Vouchers for children during the summer holidays and the steriod tablet which can be used on the most sick patients with the virus reducing the death rate.  Things are definitely looking up.  Too late for some unfortunately, but great going forward.

Matt Hancock has just said on a radio interview that they want everyone to have a summer holiday this year and an announcement will be made before 29th June.  It’s work in progress.  (Fingers crossed and if any of you want to travel with Sunvil, please let me know!)

Richard H responded to Monday’s post about a Triples League.  Would anyone else be interested or maybe a Triples Ladder so you have your own team and arrange to play another team on the Ladder as and when you want?

If we keep it within the 2 hour time slot, it would be about 12-13 ends.

Just let me know what you want and we will try and accommodate you all!


I Don’t Like Mondays … Well That’s the Song Title, Isn’t It?

Actually I quite like Mondays but I also like working and couldn’t imagine not doing so.  I think that ethic comes from my parents!

Anyway, Monday it is again and the weekend was good.  Well done to Laurence for organising the Triples game on Saturday afternoon.  Norman has taken over the baton and organised Triples against Peter Twells’ Chertsey IX for this Saturday.

Saturday’s game was a bit of an experiment and although it was mentioned in a post over a week or so, I gather some didn’t realise there was something going on and they might have come down to watch, so sorry if you felt you’d been left out of the loop.  It wasn’t intentional.

Now that the country is trying to get back to some sort of normality, we think more clubs would like to play games against us and others – in fact we have a club in Cambridgeshire who would like to come and play!  Bearing this in mind, quite a few people might like to have the chance to play in the team, so please email me ( if you are interested in playing  and we can rotate people in and out.  If we can only have 9 for a game, but 24 want to play, we need to organise a few more games!   As Fixture Secretary, Audrey will be able to sound a few clubs out and see if any would like a midweek game. It doesn’t have to be a weekend.

Thinking off the top of my head (and I might get shot for this), we could also consider running Club Pairs and/or Triples Leagues.

Moving Forward

From today, you are welcome to bring your own drinks/glasses/snacks to enjoy after your roll up.  There are no rubbish facilities available, so whatever you bring, you need to take home again!

The tables, chairs & parasols are up.  Even if you are just spectating, please, please, please disinfect your hands with sanitising gel as this will reduce the risk of spreading the disease across hard surfaces that are touched.  You have all been brilliant with the social distancing so please keep it up even when you’re off the green.  It’s really tempting to step closer and closer but we are still vulnerable.

Looking another couple of weeks forward, we hope to be able to serve drinks from a table “out the back” but we’re not there yet.  Hopefully this can be organised once we have approval to do so.

The first IX v IX – Saturday 13th June

Yesterday’s friendly game v Mike Cooper’s IX was very successful with players from Bishop Duppas, Ashford and Egham making up Mike’s team.  The Gatfield IX had a win on this occasion but, to be fair, we had all (1) being playing ofr nearly a month and (2) being playing on our own green.  Something akin to home advantage!

It SOOOOO good to see lots of people at the club both playing and spectating, so we’re going to do it again and Peter Twells has taken up the IX and will be bringing a team from Chertsey who are not open yet (due to green and council problems) next Saturday afternoon.


Update from Pat P.  Ray’s op was successful on Thursday and he was sitting up in a chair yesterday.  Today he has to start walking.  Please continue to send positive thoughts to both Ray and Pat – for his recovery and her nerves!  It’s not easy for either!

I’m using a hotspot wi-fi and it keeps dropping off every 2 minutes which is really annoying.   Hopefully my new router will arrive tomorrow – it should have been here on Thursday!