Author: Dawn Slaughter

Day 6 – National Lockdown Countdown – Happy Birthday Ann M!

Happy Birthday to the Queen of Cambridge Park Fundraising from all of us!

We hope you have a good day, Ann, and the weather stays dry enough for you to walk along St Margaret’s Terrace and feed the ducks, but wrap up warm!  Be sure to be back in time for tea though as it looks as if Norman might be making you a cake or scones!!  (See CP’s Facebook page)

Kevin and Maureen K are both well and finding this long lockdown dragging.  Just 6 days to go until we have a little bit more freedom!

Kevin is looking forward to getting back on the golf course 3 days a week but in the meantime is sticking to his 45 minute brisk walk and reports that George from Strawberry Hill is well and also Gym was pedalling towards Kevin on the Chertsey Road.  No collision reported!

I see Ange and Des have commented on the football players.  What about all you loyal Brentford supporters?  You know a lot about football.  Let’s have your comments!

Day 7 – National Lockdown Countdown – Hopefully no Tears for Tiers

After the excitement of yesterday, the main stories seem to be the passing of Diego Maradona and which tier we’ll be in. I’m not a football fan, but I know a lot of you are.  Was Maradona the best footballer of all time?

Well done to Ann D who has made 4 Christmas Puddings and is starting on the Christmas cakes this week.  Keep on stirring!

Good luck to Mike & Tina as they continue packing boxes for moving.  At least there has been no distraction from bowls in the last 3 weeks so they have been able to get on !

11.30 am today is the time for announcing the tiers for when lockdown finishes. If we’re in Tier 2, Sport England’s Guidance states:-

Indoors:  Classes and organised adult sport can take place for a household or bubble or in group activities – such as classes – provided there’s no mixing between households.  People can also play certain sports which do not involve close proximity or physical contact with one person from another household, such as a singles tennis match or badminton match. 

Just throwing an idea out namely, Australian Singles.  Malcolm B’s club Fordingbridge in Cambridgeshire played this outdoors in the summer rather than ‘normal’ singles.  Social distancing is easily maintained as long as players change ends on separate sides of the rink and the bonus is that you should reach your 10,000 step limit in the session!

Two players = singles.  One at each end to start.   (Players can have a jack each to deliver or it can be placed)

Player A delivers one bowl towards jack ;

Players change end and Player B delivers one bowl;

Players change ends and Player A delivers 2 bowls

Players change end and Player B delivers 2 bowls

Players change end and Player A delivers his/her final bowl

Players change end and Player B delivers his/her final bowl.

Player A announces score then Player B starts off the next end.  Both players getting a chance to lead and play final shot on alternate ends.

Bowls in order of delivery:  A1; B1; A2&3; B2&3; A4; B4

This format would fulfil the same criteria as badminton/tennis singles in the guidelines, as each player would be at opposite ends of the rink throughout and your opponent wouldn’t need to be in a support bubble with you to play, which will help quite a few of you.

The EIBA will publish their own guidelines in the next couple of days.


Day 8 – National Lockdown Countdown – Bubbles, Buble & Bowls!

More upbeat news today – Christmas Family Bubbles with no doubt a smattering of Michael Buble songs but also it looks as if we can get back to bowls!

The Cambridge Park Board meet on Thursday 3rd December at 11.00 am and it is hoped that approval will be received for re-opening for bowls for the morning roll up on 4th December, if not the afternoon of 3rd.  We will give you as much notice as possible.

This is based on the Sport England report regarding grassroot sports indoors and out in relation to the various Tiers.  We should be back in Tier 2, so there are restrictions of course.  Check out the link below.  I’ve also put it on our Facebook page.

Am I a day out on the countdown?  28 days from 5th November includes 2nd December but there seems to be a slight confusion whether 2nd December is included or not.

It’s also great news for local shops and businesses who have already lost hundreds of days of trading this year.  Hairdressers will be open.  Yippee!

We all have to keep common sense going to keep our families and friends safe so we mustn’t forget or even flout the rules.

Day 9 – National Lockdown Countdown – Happy Birthday Brian Noel!

Was it only last year that Brian was enjoying a significant birthday as we headed off to Potters?  We hope you have a great day, although it will be somewhat different this year – as with about 90% of our members’ birthdays.  At least it looks as if your birthday month might well be able to finish with a round of golf!

Had a walk and chat with Gerry at lunchtime yesterday –  one of the Sweaters of yesteryear.  Now you’ll have to ask him what a Sweater was! 

Gerry worked on the tank transporters during the war and his de-mob was delayed by about 6 months as he took part in the Berlin Airlift, travelling in a Dakota to drop coal into Berlin.  Hands up all who knew that?!  It’s worth looking up on the internet if you’re not familiar with the airlift.

Gerry started indoor bowls at Egham around 1985 – he went there because Hounslow was full and had a waiting list.  His wife, Doreen, joined him a bit later and they both went to play outdoors at Staines as a lot of the Egham players were there and where he played his first match.   There was no looking back after that until, sadly, he decided it was time to retire from bowling this year.  He is still a social member and likes to keep up with all the news.

Kevin L (who has his Grandad’s car – the 1967 VW 1600L Variant) is a man of many talents.  If you need any furniture making or need shelves or cabinet and I can put you in touch.  He is our “Will” of The Repair Shop based at Cambridge Park!


Day 10 – National Lockdown Countdown – News from Members!


Lucy & Merve

Sarah and Lucy (and Merve) got out in the fresh air today and enjoyed the sunshine.  It was a glorious day – not too cold and no wind!




Meanwhile Kevin L is the very proud owner of ‘Bernard’, a 1967 VX 1600 Variant which he inherited from his grandfather in 2004, who looks in fine fettle in the November sunshine.  Kevin said he and his 3 brothers used to sit in the boot!  Ah, those were the days, no seatbelts either, I expect!


I’m sure Bernard has many tales to tell of the Liffen brothers and escapades with their grandparents.  Will he stay silent or reveal stories?!

Thanks also to Brenda D for her email.  She has been concentrating on the ATP Tennis from the O2 arena.  Tiems looked in firm control right up to the end of the second set, then Medvedev moved up a gear to win.  Spare a thought for Ron B, who has been unable to get back to the Isle of Wight due to medical appointments.  Like Brenda and a few others of you, he is looking forward to Ange;’s Beef Stifado this coming Sunday, with Rice Pudding & Cherry Compote for dessert.  We’re still taking orders.

Good to hear from all of you!

Virus cases down in Richmond and Hounslow this week.  So roll on 3rd December.   If they’re opening gyms again, then shouldn’t indoor bowls open too – we’ve got a lot more space to social distance and have a lot less puffing and panting going on!  Fingers crossed.

Day 11 – National Countdown Lockdown – People in Space

Some days I have the attention span of a flea, although the memory of an elephant for trivia (the sort of which never comes up in a pub quiz1)

Anyway, I  have recentlly started listening to podcasts.  Their length varies but you can stop and start and they’re a good option if an audible book is too long.  There are thousands out there covering innumerable subjects from breathing, sleeping, eating, health, vaccines, life experiences, football, rugby, cricket, and not forgetting Strictly and some on bowls!

BBC Sounds App* is brilliant.  You can listen to the radio live, play back or podcasts and I stumbled upon Joe Wickes (who turns out to be another one of Ange’s students!).  Jo Malone’s was really interesting but the one that has been so fascinating is No.12, when Joe chats to astronaut Tim Peake.

This link may work or try clicking play below.

Worth listening to whilst making your Christmas cake today or when out walking.

There are other places to find podcast apps not just the BBC.

Let us know any you have listened to.  If you’ve enjoyed it, no doubt someone else will too!

Day 12 – National Countdown Lockdown – Dried Fruit and Brandy Shopping?

It’s the weekend.  It should be Yippee, it’s the weekend! but for most, it’s just another day as they are all rolling into one.

Tomorrow is Stir Up Sunday, so today’s the day to check the store cupboards then go out to top up your dried fruit, flour, brandy etc to make your Christmas Cake.  List of ingredients for one of Mary Berry’s Christmas Cake recipes below so you can do a quick check.  Fits a 9″ round or 8″ square tin.  Of course there are many other recipes out there, so this is just a guide.

  • 75 g Candied peel, mixed
  • 425 g Currants
  • 300 g Glace cherries
  • 1 Lemon, zest of large
  • 1 Orange, zest of large
  • 150 g Ready-to-eat dried apricots
  • 250 g Sultanas and raisins
  • 5 Eggs
  • 1 tbsp Treacle, black
Baking & spices
  • 300 g Muscovado sugar, dark
  • 1/2 tsp Nutmeg
  • 300 g Plain flour
  • 1 tsp Spice, ground mixed
Nuts & seeds
  • 60 g Unblanched almonds, whole
  • 300 g Butter, unsalted
  • 4 tbsp Brandy

It’s a bit of a grey day so far, but not as cold as yesterday so good to get out for a short walk to the shops or not!

Day 13 – National Lockdown Countdown – Vaccines

There’s been a lot of good news about the vaccines arriving fairly quickly, some before Christmas and with our demographic age at the club, a lot should be near to the top of the queue.  Hooray!

However, there was an interesting discussion on the radio as to who should get the vaccines first, so here’s something to think about and discuss …

Key and NHS Workers – all venues

Care Workers and Care Homes


Out and About Providers – like the postmen, the delivery drivers, bus, train and taxi drivers

Supermarket staff

Those with reduced immunity

Over 80s

Over 70s


These are just some thoughts.  The out and about providers and the 20s-40s are in there as they are likely to have more contact with more people – spreaders.  Most of us visit a supermarket during the week, so we’re passing staff and other shoppers – another chance to be within a metre for less than a minute.

Personally, I would not like to be part of the team making the decision.  I just thought it was thought provoking and you may want to come up with some great ideas!


I hope you are staying safe and well, that you’re managing to get out for some fresh air each day and keeping in contact with at least one other person.  Oh, and  don’t forget to keep washing those hands!

Steak & Ale Pie plus trimmings and Baked Apples with Custard are on the menu for those on Sunday’s meal run.  Next Sunday will be Beef Stifado followed by Rice Pudding with Cherry Compote.  If any of you would like that, please let Ange or me know by Wednesday.



PS  Surprised there was no further mention of classic cars besides our web host’s ongoing renovation.  I thought some of you might have a secret passion!

Day 14 – National Lockdown Countdown – Best Friends

Margaret B kindly offered to lend me her book on The Poupart Family in the Borough of Twickenham 1874-1936 and a couple of other local history books to see if there was some useful information we could use for the Centenary.

I collected it yesterday outside the club while out on an early lunch walk while the girls were catching up with each other.

Margaret and Beryl met working in Boots in Whitton over 40 years ago and have stayed firm friends ever since.  They have a wonderful assortment of anecdotes from days of yore and it was such a tonic for those few minutes as they regaled some of the stories and we all had a good laugh in the sunshine.  Fresh air, sunshine, real people (one at a time!) and laughter – can’t beat it!




Beryl’s daughter emailed to say she and her Mum had been baking the previous weekend, producing an Apricot & Pecan Advent Wreath for Beryl’s other daughter.  Apparently, it’s not like a calendar and you can eat all of it as soon as you get it!  Well done, Beryl & Jayne.

I forgot to ask Margaret whether she had been jamming in her kitchen.  I wonder if she will now be doing that to Sophie Ellis-Bextor’s new album “Songs from the Kitchen Disco”?!

Day 15 – National Lockdown Countdown – Driving in the Future – Updated!

Hands up who has a petrol or diesel fuelled car?

Hands up if you’re saving for a ‘green’ car?

Hands up who will still be driving in 2030?

So many questions.  At least today’s news knocked Covid and Brexit off the top of the headlines!

I was thinking 2030, that’s years and years away.  It is but only 10.  I hope I will still be driving at 75, but who knows.  Despite all good intentions to reduce emissions, I doubt I will have gone ‘green’ by then.

Joe Biden is still driving the car his father gave him as a wedding present – a 1967 Red Chevrolet Stingray Corvette.  Isn’t that amazing.  That is a man who loves his car and obviously looks after it with a passion.  I hope he has a right hand man/woman who can look after it while he’s being President.

A boyfriend from the 1970s had an Austin 7 and collected me from a hockey match in it.  I’m not sure if there was a door.  I just remember climbing over to get into the passenger seat!  He was part of the 750 Motor Club and we went to Silverstone for their annual event and I ended up assisting on the grid.  When those motors come round the final bend of the trial lap and your toes are on the white line, you just hope they have good brakes!  The relationship didn’t last very long so it was the nearest I have ever been or sat in a classic car. There is a local dealer in classic cars in the area as they have put a display along the street during the Hampton Hill Christmas lighting-up night.

What about you?

Do you have a passion for old cars, your current car or are you hankering after something classic, something sporty or what?

Has anyone done the London to Brighton car rally?  I would love to do that.  It would normally be running around November, wouldn’t it?   Now seems like a good time to re-watch Genevieve!


Our website host, John Q, based up in the Highlands, not only is a top notch greenkeeper, designs and hosts websites, lives with his family and several donkeys, but also has another hobby …

He’s currently restoring this 1965 Volvo Amazon and hope to have it back on the road next summer!

Thanks for sending the photo in John.